
“Trump with a vagina buys expensive piece of land, smart people were getting rid of because its sinking into the ocean....more to come”

La La Land is fantastic. Its a musical for people who hate musicals.

There isn’t really anything creepy about it. Natalie Portmans character has a few moments where she attempts to turn an innocent situation into something else...but Leon shuts it down as he is also a just a child. The american audience is really the only audience that saw it as something else.

Sounds like you need to watch Leon a few more times.

Shinobi 3 - Return of the Ninja Master. Peak side scrolling. Was crazy when it dropped with the upped soundtrack and controlled better than any side scroller at the time...and still holds up today.

Spider-man is actually so big hes more than just a comic hero. He has an entire library of games larger than most video game heroes. Whats interesting about Spider-man as a character specifically is, although his origins are comic books, most Spider-man fans have never read a Spider-man book and only know him from

Man alot of you people just don't understand that a HUGE chunk of the market doesn't want to play a game....and do work...on the same device. So the phone as a gaming anything is not an option. The second it's a's work.

Are you being obtuse? The comment is trying to say that's where most of the women in the industry are and need to be spotlighted. It's really not that hard to understand.

You got it backwards, I believe the comment is saying that's where the women in the industry are...and that's what needs to be represented if we want more representation of women. We don't really have the female equivalent to Phil Spencer or Hideo Kojima asking for them to be represented doesn't really make

And we're much better and more focused games because of it.

Yes, its like your Wii U. You cannot use the Wii U tablet for one thing...and the Wii U for another. Wii U tablet acts as a second screen...ONLY for specific games and tasks.

Y’all don’t get it and likely never will get it.  A massive chunk of the market is trying to get away from their phone. They don’t want their phone to do ANYTHING besides make phone calls. And the less I have to touch it for other tasks...the better.

Yeah idk, seems like Silent Hill fans doing THE MOST as per usual. Doesn't read like Pyramid head is playable or getting an origin story.

When they announced the anime, I was hoping they would get this part right. And they totally did!

I stopped playing when it became a weird live service thing...looks like that is still going on. Wake me when we get a new Hitman game that is stand alone.

Spec Ops, specificallyThe Line’.

Just made the same comment. Seems like a really bad idea.

Their next hardward should have a totally new name and not even be close to the Switch in name. This was what sunk the Wii U...many people thought it was an add-o for the Wii.

Hopefully this teaches her to be less annoying. Her missions were the worsttt.

15-20 hours is THE perfect sweet spot for a lot of the market. Just feels like a random complaint.