
Sounds like a “to each their own” situation on the competing types of game-play here. For me, when I play a Spider-man game, I have very little interest in collecting things or doing small crime missions on the street. I’m here for the story missions, and when thats all said and done...if I have nothing else to play I

The hate for Duke Nukem Forever is so odd. Its so Duke Nukem in every aspect is not even funny...people just never stopped to think if the “Duke Nukem concept” was something that we ever should have been brought out of the 90's. I just have no idea what else anyone could have expected from that game other then exactly

Your perspective is whats interesting. Its not about getting the “icks” from her.. She tried to make a business on ‘family honesty’...and now shes like “Surprise I was divorced that entire time I was being “honest”....oh btw I am also dropping a memoir so I am gonna be lying some more to get attention again.”

Saw Jennifers Body in the theater and still do not understand the love for that movie. It’s so terrible but not even in a fun way.

MS keeps putting a lot of time and effort into turning their player base into PC gamers. Its getting harder and harder to justify buying anything MS because its all available on my PC now. To be clear, I have purchased every console the last few gens but I just cannot see a reason to get the new(ish) Xbox. Both my

Its also easy to say they are expensive when you do understand these things. The pricing is absolutely insane. They used to be cheaper until they became more popular with adults...then they were pumped up for no reason at all other than Capitalism.

Like...the vocal chords?

Kanye West, Ye (2018)

Same, lower bar but I could live a long, happy life without ever seeing another Tarantino film.

I mean...I couldnt care less what the actor thinks, stay in ya lane.

The Krypt is my all time least favorite thing about Mortal Kombat. I have only ever heard people complain about it and have agreed on all counts. I am just shocked there is someone that exists that enjoys the krypt. wow.

Right, we need to change over to “Why are we even doing this at all?”

How are references to real world events “tasteless”? What a bland way to live. I think it adds depth to the world building so I wouldn’t say it doesn’t help the game.

“That distinction feels more like a function of the era in which they were made”

If you ignore Mickey Rooney the movie is fine. And there are versions of the film with him cut actually.

I hear what your saying, but those all kind felt more like viral stunts than music videos if you catch my drift.

Outkast Roses Video > Outkast Hey Ya Video

I hit this fatigue with Skyrim....after Morrowwind and Fallout. My Bethesda fatique kicked in (and soon my open world fatigue) a lot earlier then a lot of others apparently. I’m pretty excited the fade is starting to shift out of the lime light for the general industry. But I agree don’t see Bethesda changing anytime

oooof dont remind me of those dark days.

The development team say they’re ready to move on from Breath of the Wild’s version of Hyrule