
Its superior to the new one for sure. New one looks much much better but is boring, this one is actually entertaining.

Probably the whole “child traffickers are usually brown and target white kids” QAnon bs.

I just see a whole lotta karma here.

Probably the closest game in terms of systems was Fell Seal

Technically yes, this was the entire brand strategy in the 90's. Pokemon is a MTG knock off more than anything.

If you are talking about FF7 : Remake that is NOT a remake of the original FF7, but in fact a sequel. It takes place AFTER Advent Children.

It's just a bad show. It's not good and never was. Season 1 was terrible.

So so bad. I will admit that this does look a lot better, but the first one I just can’t offer up any more $$$ to this.

The Apple Arcade exclusive”

It's gonna be bad. G.I Joe is fine and all, but the military parts of the Transformers movies are the worst parts. You don't want to emphasize those parts and if you bring them in you will have too.

I cant tell if you are being serious or not, but no.

This is an article about democrats pleading for Trump to talk to actual leading scientists in the vaccine field, instead of his buddy at a hospital. It doesn’t help your point at all.

Because he was injecting himself with bleach and horse tranquilizers while he said that.

Lost me at free-to-play

And let’s be honest, Clive has very little actual personality. He just kinda goes with the flow doing whatever hes asked and hardly ever taking time to reflect on it or show how he feels about it. When he actually cries toward the end of the game I was like FINALLY EMOTION.

There is just more than one protagonist. Just like Star Wars.

Ugh Clive is so boring and plastic.

idk I watch it every 5 years or so and it holds up pretty hard core. The other seasons do not though. And this one looks absolutely terrible.

It seems to tell you right in the trailer what minus one means... die.