I really love the idea of Mythforce...but it looks... unfinished? I get they are going for the cartoon look, but I think it would really benefit from some shading or something.
I really love the idea of Mythforce...but it looks... unfinished? I get they are going for the cartoon look, but I think it would really benefit from some shading or something.
Thats what they said about the Johnny Depp one at the time also and it is so fondly remembered...
Actually “Retro” is a term used to describe something that mimics the style of old. Not something that is actually old. Most people use it incorrectly. So a ‘retro video game’ would be a new video game made in a NES or N64 art style. Related, but after 25 years an item becomes ‘vintage’.
Awh, you think these companies kept the source codes for all these games? You are assuming far too much. Many many source codes are lost to time.
That for the most part, unless you break it, will hit after we are dead.
Tactics Ogre Reborn - $29.99
Hollywood needs a new blonde, I just can’t with Margot...but I will see it when its out of theaters for Gosling for sure.
That sounds so incredibly terrible...stop. There is a reason that Tactics spawned a genre. Its because people love that isometric top down look.
I highly doubt we will see Xenogears remastered, its more likely to be remade. HALF....yes HALF....of the game from a development perspective is not finished. The second half of the game is almost all text reading. While I do not mind it....it is a sore spot for them because they know they released it unfinished and…
The trailer looks horrible.
1 other kid film out...and its been out for almost 6 weeks now. This doesn’t say anything about pixar movies. It just means kids already say Spiderverse and are going for their second movie this summer...the only other one available...Elemental.
But the headline is wrong. It should say “After Seeing Spiderverse Twice...People with kids are starting to see the only other animated movie in theaters...Elemental!”
It just seems silly? Of course people will see it now (if they have kids).
Thank you....glad someone else said it too. I thought I was going crazy. Reminds me of MvsC Infinite.
This is a great continuation of her story...but man that model just does NOT look like Chun-Li 😅 that mode looks worse than her model from Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.
Part 1?!
“As for Link gaslighting - there is one way you can do the story that avoids that, but you’re not likely to do so unless you are guided in a non-spoiler way by someone who does already know.”
They aren’t saying that it is. They are saying it will be their last psychological horror game before moving onto mass-market horror. Its not that hard to read.
So you either didn't play the game or are willfully ignorant. What a waste of time reading this.
Final Fantasy is shakespearean tragedy in video game format. Thats is its core and thats what a bulk of the players come for. Its a series that has always placed gameplay 2nd and story 1st. And I love it for that!