
I would say it did have something to do with the story. When you take the Nazi imagery out of the villains and make them a bit less violent based of a game during a kind of alt history post WWI going into WWII...I would say that effects the story a bit.

I played this game a bit back in the day when it came out and its a horny WWII game. So it does feel a little odd to pull the horny and the WWII out of it.

Im sorry but this just sounds really lame.

Bruh, Final Fantasys core is story play later. The story elements are what make it a final fantasy game. TurnTurn based combat was only ever added to make the text based adventures more action oriented. That’s it.

Go yell at a Cloud.

Gratuitous swearing?

The identity is...and always has been Shakespeareon Tragedy, story first game play second. 

Crafting is a plague on the gaming industry right now.

God of War IS an RPG series. Choice is not a key aspect of being an RPG. It's a type of RPG. Choice in RPGs is a very Western idea. Your American is showing.

Do people really not know that Final Fantasy has ALWAYS been an action JRPG series? The turn based system only existed as a way to make text based adventures more action oriented. It was always going to evolve this way, it started leaning this direction in the PS2 era, y’all really need to wake up and smell the

People forget that Final Fantasy was always mean to be action oriented. It was Squares answer to coming up with a more action orientated version of the text based games they were famous for in the 80's.

go awayyyy

I bet it was just a mistake.

Play more JRPGs, this is a bad take.

Agree 100% this is a very western take on things and its almost a little silly. Choice is a big WESTERN element in RPGS while classic JRPGS always leaned into narrative first over everything.

Makes sense why the writing was not nearly as good or cohesive this time around.

“The Depths in Tears of the Kingdom offer some of the most effective video game horror in years,”

I mean, did you read the review at all? Its literally about a guy going out and building a found family.

Its amazing sorry. All the extra stuff they did really messed with it though. Remove all the DLC and extra patches. It's great.

They are really pushing to keep their spot as ugliest game ever made.