tizzy in a tizzy

Also, “Nazi Pinterest” sounds like the premise for a great comedy skit.

I am 6 months up the stick and I have to say that I have never felt more unattractive then I do right now. This may be due to the fact that I am retaining more water than the Hoover Dam and I am also “Ugly Pregnant”. Ugly Pregnant means that I don’t have that cute little bump and I ain’t glowing for shit; I just look

No, that’s crap. That’s not at all what she was saying, and you know better than that.

My cat, who once opened a microwave oven while the popcorn was popping, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once destroyed a floor-to-ceiling lamp with her butt, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once fell off a bookshelf at 3 AM only to land butt-first on my face (catass

I’m shocked when this happens in a regular news story (not prompted by a racially motivated terrorist attack) but this? Don’t you have anyone in your office looking at shit going “eh, that’s gonna look bad, lets pump up the diversity on this one”. And it’s not just NBC, it’s all over the place, like idiots who fill

The Front Page of the Courier-Post:

I feel like I just read an article from the Onion.

I just want news stories with people being nice to each other. I'm slowly becoming my grandmother

WHAT conservative town? Where did this happen? When did it happen? Yeah, I can read it at the link; however if you’re going to aggregate this story, include the basic journalistic “W’s”

I understand that the vast majority of articles posted ny Gawker are rehashes of articles posted elsewhere. You still need to credit the other source. Several of your sentences that are not pulled out as block quotes are lifted directly, verbatim, from the NY Times article. Don’t take credit for writing that is not

“I bet those aren’t even real diamonds in your tiara. Fake ass diamonds.”

I feel like you buried the lede there.

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

omg duh. I wasn’t sure if he knew that Sarah (the other person he replied to) was also a writer.

The best part of this whole thing would be if some shitty writer out there wrote a derivative, crappy fanfic of the Shades series, and somehow got it published, and it became totally popular and famous, and there was a movie made of it, and then another shitty writer wrote a derivative, crappy fanfic of that book, and

If we’re old enough that we coined shit-ton? We are old enough that we don’t care if you think we’re too old to say it.

Is it the same cut off for saying “fuckton” because I use fuckton a metric fuckton

True. As vanity projects go, that was a surprisingly good one.