Tit Whistle

Wow, so both Coach Z and my 14-year-old son are Parappa the Rapper this year.

He also screwed up the quote he loves so much.

Forget it, he’s rolling.

Dragonfire don’t melt steel beams.

Always loved Brian more than Holy Grail. Grail has some funnier bits but Brian is a more complete film. And Brian’s pretty fuckin’ funny too.


I also really really love Deaner's solo at the end of "Spinal Meningitis".

My wife worked with a Galadriel. She was more Hobbit than Elf.

There was a kid at my daughter's school a few years back named Anakin. By comparison, Kylo is fine.


For extra fun, drink with mushrooms.

She was last seen in Hot Ice with Carl Weathers.


That chipmunks on 16 speed is the greatest thing I've heard in a long, long time.

Ween, "Transdermal Celebration"

Mine was Muttley.

How many states of the union have you taken a dump in? How many foreign countries?

Which cartoon character would you most like to have sex with?

Well this fucking sucks.

J. Geils to continue managing a Discount Tires next week