Tit Whistle

He would've played a good Monster.

Glad it happened on my lunch hour. Now, back to wasting time!

Noted. Thanks.

I was afraid I was gonna have to watch this season without your recaps. Whew!

Amazing how they can cast 10 young people to fit the millennial mold but not one young hard working hillbilly to shatter the stereotype.

I can hear him interjecting "That was smart" after #1.

Nothing wrong with Ft. Worth at all.

He'll forget about KC after spending two days in Dallas.

I think she meant 7 classic (and one just ok.)

When I listen to "Downed", I think it's the best damned rock song ever. Then I listen to "Southern Girls" and think the same thing. In fact, I think the same for just about every song on this list.

I lot of people miss the humor in it. I read it for the first time recently and it's clearly a satire. You get that from the first few pages.

Fuck this whole fucking year. Real. Hard.

Her name is Miley Cyrus, sir.

It's a terrific read. Doesn't skim. Lots of great stories.

Pretty much. Every time they got a chance they deliberately pissed all over it. It was cool that they didn't give a shit but later on there seemed to be some regret.

Anyone read their new bio Trouble Boys yet? I'm almost done and it's one of the coolest yet most pathetic life in a band stories I've ever read.

My apologies. Dinner last night was Heinekin and egg whites.


The 70s were so naughty.

Their business is saving animals and being judgmental. But not necessarily in that order.