Tit Whistle

There’s a theory that’s been bouncing around the internet for years that the “aliens” are not extra-terrestrials, but are demons from hell.

I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.

exorbitant amount of public money wasted for this dick joke

will be interesting to hear what fx’s john landgraf has to say about this.

Holy cow, are we making an issue out of this? I saw the Beyond Stranger Things episode myself and Sadie was embarrassed, but not traumatized. If you get a job in Hollywood you eventually have to pretend to kiss people you don’t love in real life. It’s how acting works. Quit grasping at straws just because you’re

I daresay it might be Murphy’s greatest triumph as an actor. The raw charisma of his early movies is something else, but the way he plays two very different characters, without even the Rick Baker levels of makeup (which is great in its own right), is the kind of stunt that *should* get Oscar love, not least because

Upvoted because Bowfinger is a wonderful and criminally underrated movie. Eddie Murphy alone is hilarious and he’s supported by every other actor giving such a wonderfully fun performance.

Yeah, Murphy is more frustrating to me, because while he does have some classics to his name, he seems to actively disdain the idea that he might seek out an interesting filmmaker. Sandler may do crummy comedy after crummy comedy to keep the lights on at Happy Madison, but he did seek out Baumbach, he did make the

Everyone that claims to be a Rick, is actualy a Jerry.

A representative of the police department tells CBS News that the number of sewers affected was “definitely above 20.”

Old Testament God: I’m gonna send plagues, dare old men to kill their sons, flood the whole damn world, and set these twin cities on fire! FUCK YOU ADAM AND EVE I TOLD Y’ALL TO NOT EAT THAT APPLE!

BRAN: Dames, who needs ‘em? But you and me, pal, we get each other. Just two bros, hangin’ out, shootin’ the shit, doin’ man stuff. Like, um... um... scratchin’ our balls and... sports? And? ...er... my omniscience power is leaving me hanging here...


Dallas is everything people hate about Texas wrapped into one shitty bundle.

So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.

Where is the episode where the world gets converted to Kinja?

The final scene is not just hilarious, I find it moving and a bit profound. What better encapsulates our existence: