
Twellman more or less said Villalba wouldn’t have taken this shot if he had actually had a good game and this was his way of saying fuck it. It was entirely accurate, this game was a slog to watch with one payoff moment. Also the Orlando fans chanting “WE CAN’T FUCKING HEAR YOU” right before this was sweet, sweet

Has anybody seen Ja Rule?

Why wasn’t there a nutt related pun in this article you should be ashamed.

Pretty sure they’re not called dongs over there, they’re called knobs.

And right before he finished the last Game of Thrones book, too.

That is what happens when you play Backyard Baseball on easy and hit a pop-up with Pablo Sanchez.

I feel a bit bad for Tebow. He obviously should have tried to make it in baseball. I know it is Single-A ball, but .224 average isn’t that bad for a guy who hadn’t played baseball in years. If he can do that with relatively no training, what do you think he could be doing if he had worked at it for years?

A call out. Not a subtweet.

A call out. Not a subtweet.

That’s former PGA champion and occasional Champion’s Tour participant Steve Elkington subtweeting Rory McIlroy

Breaking: Michael Floyd’s agent arrested for public drunkenness.

“Messi would have blown a .36 and driven on the wrong side in reverse.”


“I love Golden State, it’s the best. Favorite state of mine for years. Love to visit there, hard workers there. They win, just like me. That Stephen Kerr is a fantastic player, really great. Him and I go way back, he loves me. Been a fan of them forever. Huge fan”

People are saying the area around the White House is a real no-go zone, lots of violence. It’s like a third world country. At least that’s what people are saying.

Oh, but I think she’s very likely devastated by the (usually) in the grays Deadspin commenter who just threw an * on her victory. My work here is done.

To be fair, Deadspin would 100% run an article about Larry Bird and Jalen at a state fair, with Drew telling them they’re eating at the wrong booth and making a Bill Simmons reference about Larry Legend. Burnenko will have some terrible take about corndogs or funnel cake, and Billy H will complain about some kid in an

Bingo. It’s a shitty ballpark. Citifield is MUCH nicer.