This was a strong and pleasantly noisy dinger
This was a strong and pleasantly noisy dinger
Technically, I never claimed I wasn’t a dumbass; we’re all in this together.
Despite my declaration to which you refer, I acknowledge that there are plenty of people who don’t have kids of their own who are experts (or, even just unusually intuitive) on the subject of children; but that number, whatever it may be, pales in comparison to the number who think they are.
Yeah that destroyed video just gave their lawyers the right to tell the jury to assume the worst case scenarios for those 3 hours.
As much as it sucks when you boil it down to the base elements, if that’s the law where you serve alcohol, you are obligated to be your brother’s keeper in this situation. On balance, tying responsibility back to the establishment/personnel that overserved the ‘victim’ has probably (?) saved more lives than it has…
Unless the dude weighed like 40 pounds, there’s no way they didn’t recognize what they had done. Sucks that “just doing your job” makes you liable for the consequences of someone else’s actions, but, it’s not like these laws haven’t been around for decades, and since they operate in a state with such a law, whoever…
Yeah, clearly you are flying circles around me while you white horse for the “I EAT ASS” guy. You sure schooled me.
Hey dumbass, guess what parents were before they had kids.... people without kids who thought they had an objective point of view on the subject of raising children.
Thank you for not participating, though. Sincerely.
What’s worse is, it seems like the only ideas he has are based exclusively on the most inept policies of generations past.
I am still trying to find anyone that thinks his dumbass is a good business man.
It kind of is. You can be all kinds of an expert on whatever it is you’re an expert in, but you don’t know shit about raising kids until you have your own. That’s just life, kid, and if it offends you, well, maybe your parents should have had a talk with you about it.
Plus, if he finds out early on that he sucks at football, he can fall back into baseball, and at 26 he wouldn’t be THAT far off schedule for a baseball career.
I like the whole “I’m the HOA president, but I don’t enforce the rules because I am breaking them myself, except, of course and ha ha, I made damn sure to put three families out on the street over a tiny amount of money!”
HOA are a good idea on paper, but lack oversight. If you give anyone too much power, they will abuse it.
It’s not going to be popular around here, but this is the correct take. You may hate a game or games that use a particular mechanic, but just because it is not to YOUR liking is no justification for doing away with it altogether.
If an adult can’t control themselves with loot boxes, that’s on them. If a child can’t…
Which is on the parents. Don’t want your kid spending money on stuff? Don’t give them access to the endless loot card.
I suppose it would be down to boredom at some point, either a slip-up mentally because of that boredom, or intentionally trying to get cute and paying a price for it.
That’s banking on the left pulling it together long enough to actually vote him out of office.
Hint: they won’t.
The audio was even worse than the transcript; Green was practically foaming at the mouth, which had the unintended consequence of indicating exactly who was threatening reporters for doing their job.
True, those are the last two piece-of-shit actions that that piece-of-shit hasn’t stooped to. Yet.