That’s why 16 is a particularly unsettling age of consent, considering in many states you can’t enter into a contract at that age without guardian signature and all that. But hogtie ‘em and fuck ‘em? A-OK!
That’s why 16 is a particularly unsettling age of consent, considering in many states you can’t enter into a contract at that age without guardian signature and all that. But hogtie ‘em and fuck ‘em? A-OK!
It would be nice if the decent and God-fearing people of Georgia got off their blessed asses and fixed their shitty, rapist-friendly laws.
“I can’t believe there’s a Capital One ad I have yet to be subjected to.”
I think it’s wonderful that the same people who see no problem with Marchand’s on-ice behavior get weepy-eyed over Cam Neely’s injury-shortened career.
He literally plead guilty to 1st degree cruelty to children. Only those parts of her body that could be construed as sexually gratifying to a man were not legally childlike.
But that is besides the point. There was some rape going on, no matter how cousin-fucking Georgia is.
You have to be particularly inept at your job as a prosecutor to think you can’t successfully prosecute a rape case where a child was kidnapped by a stranger, kept in a dog cage and raped repeatedly over the course of a year.
I think the Russo’s missed a HUGE opportunity to have Luis interact with Ebony Maw. That would have been cinematic perfection.
More like “Gotleak”, amirite?
Also worth noting... when he’s fresh out of the minors and immediately gets a 5M a year deal, of course he is going to be happy with what he did. But how is he going to feel three or four years from now when he’s leading the league in WAR (again) and they sign a bench player for essentially double what he’s making?…
“They gave San Jose a 5 minute adavantage, in game 7, with under 10 minutes to play.”
The Detroit teams of their ‘dynasty’ era were stacked with HoF and HoF-adjacent players. Some of the people who were there when they were winning playoff series:
I have all the information I need. Every WASP is against abortion until the ultrasound comes back a little darker than they had hoped.
Because... homosexuality is spread by mosquitoes? Jesus Christ man, you are fucking stupid.
The anti-abortion industry could not care less about mothers, fetuses, ultrasounds, babies, abortion, or anything in between. What they DO give a shit about is cashing in on the kind of myopic dolts who would organize bus trips to see a movie like this.
They had been playing the national anthem before inconsequential sporting events for decades before 9/11, and nobody gave a flying shit about it.
You don’t get it. They didn’t push themselves, so they deserve whatever happens to them in modern civilization.
Far too many people only consider the value of human life through the prism of where that human fits into a capitalist economy. This attitude is especially distressing as more and more jobs are automated,…
To ‘understand’ it, you have to view it through the prism of the ideology that thinks you can pray the gay away. In that culture, children are carefully groomed to be ignorant and programmable so that the nonsense takes deep root.
I dunno, 30 days into Marine Corps boot camp and my appearance changed radically.
I don’t have tons of experience with these things, but when I tore my kneecap off, it didn’t bleed for a good two minutes. Same thing when the metal rod went through my elbow, and the time a dog bit through my hand and I got a stigmata wound. Hollywood tells me any puncture bleeds profusely the second it occurs, but…
They had to take the sign down, not because it was offensive, but because this year's magician is actually a woman.