You can always tell a Punchr car because it has a big set of pink brass knuckles on the front.
You can always tell a Punchr car because it has a big set of pink brass knuckles on the front.
I’m sure Boston has its bullshit, but Chicago apologists act like their favorite city’s cops aren’t shooting unarmed kids or whisking people off to shadowy detention centers where the concept of “due process” barely exists.
Back when 5000 regular people were the only people going to games at the UC, the heckling was top-notch, clever shit-talk. It had to be - it’s all we had. The crowds that have filled the stadium in the post-title era are entitled, humorless shitheels who probably think “basketball” was the height of wit. I’m glad the…
Yeah, that’s why I figure they’re saving it for the End Times. There’ll be nobody left to litigate.
God, I miss threewordphrase.
Mike Pence will sit in a room alone with him, if you know what I mean.
I am usually *just* civilized enough to not appreciate appearance jokes, but god damn if that description isn’t spot on.
I’ve always thought that Lego has kept Star Wars minifig blind bags in their back pocket for when The End Times are upon us, to fund their escape rockets.
Go to your nearest Wal-Mart or Target, and look at the Lego Star Wars sets they have on the shelves. Know that each store receives numerous cases full of these sets, they are sold at other regional retailers, Toys R Us, every brick and mortar Lego store, and online, most for a window of 18-24 months.
I don’t know what’s more depressing, the sad facts that we can’t ignore, or the sad facts people choose to ignore. The system, such as it is, worked flawlessly to get a readily-available mass murder weapon into the hands of a disturbed individual, and we had the 8th school shooting of the calendar year... in fucking…
“This Bumble wants a job!”
I’m not talking about the general public, per se, but the people who breathlessly cover ALL comic book movies who seem to have forgotten or overlooked how important Blade was to the genre. I don’t want to take away from the just & due praise that BP will get - I think there is a lot of merit to the fawning. But…
Part of that disconnect was by design: there were some spectacular comic genre movies immediately before Blade. That said, point blank, there would not BE a Black Panther movie right now without Blade. There wouldn’t have been an Iron Man without Blade, no MCU without Blade, no Disney buyout without Blade.
Not sure; he put “Leadership Trainee” in the employment field of his credit app. He probably could have got one of those cool Naboo ships if he lied and said he was an Emperor.
“He may not look like it, but he (eventually) got it where it counts”
“Says here the original owner was a Brandon E. Snoke. Ever heard of him?”
That’s how I felt. At least this time, my total investment is less than I’d spend at a trip to Taco Bell.
PD is like Pauper in that Pauper initially was conceived as a budget format, but scarcity of some key commons has become a barrier to entry in Pauper. For instance, you could build 21 complete Penny Dreadful decks with sideboard for the price of a playset of Moment’s Peace. Even the brokest MTG fan can get going in…
I tried to edit, but I became Kinja’d. Just wanted to add, one of the best aspects of PD (as opposed to other formats) is that it is self-regulating - if a card gets too strong, people buy it in droves and the price rises to where it rotates out after 10-12 weeks, to be replaced by whatever bombs inexplicably fell to…
If you have 75 cents and an MTGO account, you could put together a Penny Dreadful deck; Penny Dreadful is an online-only format where the only playable cards are those that resell for 0.01.