Hey, was this guy the art director for the Borderlands series?
Hey, was this guy the art director for the Borderlands series?
Much like everything from that time period, they haven’t aged well.
That’s amazing. Also, lugers have their own specialty gloves. I did not know that.
Your timeline is off. Comic book movies were complete shit before Blade (Batman & Robin, Spawn) then Marvel Studios put Blade out, which was profitable and caused a couple sequels. Seeing this, X-Men was green-lit, then Spider-Man, a couple Daredevil turds, and a Hulk. After watching people make money off their IP,…
Prior to the formation of Marvel Studios, there were some real turds that came out of Marvel licensed properties: the forgettable Dolph Lundgren Punisher, the direct-to-video Captain America, the direct-to-nowhere Fantastic Four, and a few uninspiring TV shows.
So Marvel’s track record before Blade and after Blade is just, some kind of coincidence to you?
The thing is, I guarantee when these people picture a “welfare queen” they don’t picture the demographic what receives the most welfare benefits and commits the most welfare fraud crime & makes most of the homegrown porn.
Going out on a limb to predict that nobody in North America would pay money for whatever comes in the box.
I fell for Midnight Sons, too. Sigh.
A lot of people didn’t know Blade was based off a comic book, just like a lot of people still act like Blade didn’t set this whole damn thing up. Billions of dollars later, and still neglected, even by people exalting how groundbreaking Black Panther is.
Why don’t you google the number of people killed with bombs vs the number of people killed with handguns, while you’re at it?
“Imagine if we had easy access to freight trains! Then you’d be wishing he only had a gun!”
“But tasking officers to that deprives other parts of the community public safety officers of their main pursuit, downing donuts and chasing ass at 7-11.”
If that is indeed the original state of the ship, the design of the Millennium Falcon makes even less sense today than it has for the last 40 years. It’s like putting the steering wheel of a semi into a sidecar next to the fifth wheel.
Now I know why there’s a Butterfinger car driving around town. I thought maybe he won a shitty contest.
It might while he’s waiting for the Assistant Manager at Dollar General to finally call him back about that cashier position.
That’s what good and conscientious dogs do. They don’t countersurf, nab a loaf of bread, eat the bread on your bed and stuff the wrapper under your pillow, then look around like “What?” when you find it hours after the fact.
“Here is a serotonin-inducing sensor that you can use to get bored all the time.”
We’re guessing it’s a short list.