Tito Starmaster

Still, 2001 Tick was a great show for what it was.

“Do you always have to hide behind sex?”
“I can’t help it, it’s so big.”

Oh wow, the new costume has obvious sleeves and gloves. It looks like they went backwards in the costume department.


You should tune into the NHL draft and have your mind blown.

They physically attack people with all sorts of deadly objects because those people have the gall to disagree with extreme left wing ideology basic human decency and openly proclaim their opposition.

What, do you want people to revolt?

Sadly, he was 3'4 and 220 pounds just six weeks ago.

No lie, I saw a 20-ish lady wearing a fanny pack in a bar on Saturday. She looked otherwise normal.

Conversely, the Cubs would clout half a dozen solo HR off the Mets’ rotation as-is, and bat .020 with RISP.

You sure about that?

“Well... I ain’t making no (Han Solo standalone film).”

Warm taek - the Black Sky used “the substance” to revive Daredevil, who is now an amnesiac, along the same lines as Harold Meachum when he first crawled out of the pond in Iron Fist.

“Later, the NFL announced that all 11 players will be punished with roster spots on the Cleveland Browns.”

I, too, have dwelt in that cave. What kills me is that Pence was extremely unpopular in INDIANA. He was about to be run out of town on a rail, O Brother Where Art Thou? style, when all of the sudden here comes the orange bumblefuck.

I only wish I could downsample my vocabulary to make it read more authentic.

You’re right! I’m so cowardly that I would piss down my leg if I ever saw a Marine in person!

I faketweeted this two weeks ago. Holy hell.

Based on how smooth he is at literally everything else, I wouldn’t doubt that Baez even craps with a panache not seen since the days of Fred Astaire.

I know I’m not the first to ask this, but why do Young Republicans look so fucking OLD?

That spin was real, and spectacular!