I would support a border curb.
I would support a border curb.
Yes you can.
It’ll be interesting to see what contortions Miami resorts to in order to avoid giving Kaepernick his rightful chance, now that their starting QB injured himself this morning.
They’ll give Tebow or Manziel a call before Kaep. Or Jeff George.
If you read further into that article, the photographer responded and laid out her case. She gave these people every opportunity to resolve it, even offering numerous concessions to the contract they ALL agreed to, and they weren’t having it. They decided it would be better to be internet douchebags than rational…
I really wish someone would come in and call him a cuck while I sit in the corner and watch.
Bo packed two full careers-worth of highlights into 1/2 of the playing time he should have had. He didn’t just do things nobody could believe - he did things in-game that nobody else could do if they had months of practice to just try as a stunt.
The team owner had to warn all the PR staff to quote “Kirby enthusiasm” in order to keep Adu’s identity secret from the coach.
Intense, speaking-in-all-caps gibberish is still gibberish.
Typical Bears, typical Bears fans. The one time they get ahold of a top-20 QB, they spend his entire tenure firing coaches every year, drafting shitty everything every year, trading away whatever non-shit they accidentally drafted, and generally force the guy to single-handedly win NFL games. And the idiot fans…
I used to wonder, who donates this valuable stuff? Then I moved to a slightly newer house and got rid of damn near everything within arms’ reach, including about 80 cubic feet of sports cards. Not having to deal with them is worth more to me than any amount of money I could have eked out of it.
Do modern TVs even tune to channel 3 or 4?
There are numerous TV shows dedicated to following knowledgeable people around as they hoodwink people who don’t quite understand the value of what they are selling. It would restore my faith in humanity if “American Pickers” had an episode consisting of nothing but people telling them to get the fuck out of here.
You have to also consider that if they priced stuff at ‘book value’ they’d sell less stuff and develop a backlog, as new stuff comes in ALL the time.
These finds also encourage people to continue shopping at thrift stores; the charity might have missed out on 3000.00 for one item, but they’ve probably generated that…
You have to take into consideration the strength of your average 31-year-old MTG player.
Wisconsin: It’s Where Chris Christie Goes for Vacation.
God damn
I like the idea that there’s some terr’ist out there, targeting Philadelphia because they read on the internet that it is “... the heartbeat of fashion.”
+1 or -1 organ, depending on how you identify
For whoever that was that popped out the woodwork at the mere mention of DeLorean’s name earlier.
I have a feeling there wasn’t a cop involved at all, but someone who saw a “meth kit” for sale and saw a chance to do great justice over the interwebs by scaring the brazen drug dealer so bad they don’t get their BidCoins.