The photo atop this post is the Puerto Rican team saluting the Americans after the final out, so there was certainly no animosity on the field.
The photo atop this post is the Puerto Rican team saluting the Americans after the final out, so there was certainly no animosity on the field.
God damn.
Does he have a squire? Who is in the middle of the goddamn street, taking this photo?
Sigh. But, that pretty much is white people. I have no idea why so many of us treat black individuals like ambassadors from another planet. The obliviousness of it is embarrassing. Who touches someone’s hair, or, asks grooming questions of another adult? As far as I know, we don’t do that when we’ve managed to…
You mean to tell me a 63 year old man developed his worldview at 55 when his old man got fucked by lax regulation like every other schmo on the street?
Hey, you’re welcome to come by any time and play Uno and drink bottled water.
If I’m following correctly the alt-right train of thought as it makes its haphazard way across the landscape of credulity, whether Brown robbed the store or simply exchanged weed for cigarillos is inconsequential - he was breaking the law and deserved to die; this is deemed an acceptable outcome because being shot…
Wait wait wait... you’re telling me “racist” isn’t “normal white” mode? I’m asking for a friend. My one black friend, to be exact.
Hadn’t heard of that. Compared to what I thought I was going to see, that looks amazing. I’ve been pining for a playable hockey game ever since EA’s NHL series turned into a torso-and-hips simulator.
Which, if the White House did leak the returns, it may be of significance that it’s his 2005 return, and not something more recent.
With the noted exception that he wants to eliminate the one mechanism that made him pay a tax rate anywhere near comparable to regular humans. Sure, everyone would like to pay less taxes if they could get away with it, but it’s a special kind of asshole that uses every loophole possible and still thinks they should…
My youngest’s birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day. He’s a thoughtful meathead of 6 right now, but I already feared his future exploits when SPD was confined to one day. Expand it to a week? Egad.
I wonder if it’s too late to go to law school.
Seriously. When did gaslighting become a virtue?
This. If you have an old computer lying about the house, throw Linux on it and set up an SMB share; it takes maybe an hour or two at most, and does a lot to demystify Linux.
You could always hit up your local Goodwill/Salvation Army for a cheap display.
+1 for caring
It’s almost like the better-constructed team won each series. I wonder how often that happens.
Before he got internet famous, Moriarty started out in a specific sub-sub-genre of porn; in those few scenes where he isn’t wearing a ball gag, he is VERY respectful to the ladies.
I get that, but the same criticism could be leveled at dump trucks full of broadcasters; why does Jim Nantz bear the brunt of it?
You’d think the NHL would already have such a rule, especially given what they did to poor John Scott, who was actually doing NHL stuff, kinda.
Also, would it kill Byfuglien to assert himself in these situations? He’s a 5000-pound man on rails, nobody should be doing this stuff to his teammates.