Tito Starmaster

Especially since email security is apparently the number one priority to ~22% of the country. 

“I don’t see YOUR name on the guest list.”

This ignorance is a byproduct of the slow death of baseball; so few people play it that the skills and physicality necessary to excel at it are becoming a mystery.

Little known fact: members of the military (not just the Marine Corps) are actual human beings, not just highly-programmable blobs of muscle with exposed trigger fingers and sexual organs.

This. We’re ~50 days into this humiliating debacle of an administration, and so far all the Dems have managed to do is coordinate their outfits during one speech.

Long story short, if you’re working on a major construction project and someone you have never seen before hits you with “Do you know who I AM?” it is inadvisable to guess “Someone who used a GPS to get here?” even if that is technically correct.

I can’t even. To think that he signed an Executive Order changing the succession of AG to ensure that he’d have one of his cronies heading the Russian probe, and people are just galloping along like everything is dandy, it just. Ugh. Hell on earth.

Hence this year’s decision not to amend the Hate Crimes law to extend to LGBTQ, and in the same session, they made sure to pass a law putting prayer back into schools.

Don’t forget Indiana! We’re fucked too!

Tomato tomato.

They’re service cucks. They stand on the sidelines jerking off while other people actually sign the contract and do the work. To each his own, I suppose, but I’ve no use for them or their bleating.

I commend your level-headed response to this obvious chicken hawk. Good luck out there, I hope for all of our sake that these 14 months fly by without incident.

Trump was an incompetent trust fund baby prior to his gig on the Apprentice; his only saving grace was that the trust fund was large enough to survive his guidance. Everything he has touched is worse for the experience. His main skill is cowing rubes, so if you’re pledging fealty to that, well, wear a label.

Just when the world looks its darkest, I can at least smile knowing that every day I will learn of a new derogatory euphemism for Darth Cheeto.

And today, that euphemism is Dolt 45.

This. So much this. I cannot believe people are cowed this easily. I mean I can, but fuck all of them for it.

That said, I guarantee that he spent more CPU cycles thinking about that dead Navy SEAL during that round of applause than he had in all the hours leading up to it or since.

Counterpoint: she’s respectfully keeping her netherdrool from the upholstery.

And why is she just A-Queen, while he is MY-King?

He had to be fucking with him. Other favorites are to dispatch someone to (somewhere way the hell off) to get grid squares, or to go ask Sgt. Somebody for a PRC-E5. (pronounced Prick E-5, E-5 being the pay grade of a Sergeant)

The results are in amigo - what’s left to ponder?