Yeah, this whole ‘POTUS’ thing might just be a red herring for the REAL heist he’s engineering behind the scenes.
Yeah, this whole ‘POTUS’ thing might just be a red herring for the REAL heist he’s engineering behind the scenes.
They’re there, second-from-the-bottom with a mere $700M
Infrastructure in Indiana was already crumbling, this ‘deal’ just grants us extra crumbles. If it wasn’t happening to me and my kids, it would be hilarious. They put a flat percentage cap on property taxes to appeal to McMansion shitheads, robbing public schools of adequate funding. Not satisfied with that, they…
May? It’s already started. His choices for cabinet members and agency secretaries are, across the board, awful for everyone except the 1%.
The Venn diagram of both is a perfect circle.
I don’t want to say the Giants rebound is all Robbie Gould, but, it’s all Robbie Gould.
I sometimes wonder if the refs make questionable calls just SO they can go to replay.
“Slap me silly, Sidney!”
“Scratch my back with a hacksaw!”
“Show me pictures of my children and describe how they died in my absence!”
“Shit in my mouth, what a goal!”
And yet, you can scarcely find a video highlight of the Penguins without those canned ejaculations. Foul sorcery!
Finally, a Penguins highlight not accompanied by their insipid announcer imploring the goal scorer to slap him with hot beef or whatever. Next to me, that guy’s the worst.
Jordan Anderson’s Jalop account spotted.
Cobra Commander, Serpentor, and Fred VII?
Or make them jealous. Calling it now: Pence can hide a can of Hills Brothers in an empty room.
Don’t you realize? As of November 9th, “the country” consists only of states Trump won.
Hey man, gay weddings are still a thing in Indiana.
Oh yeah? Well, let’s see how they like MY boycott at Papa John’s, where every pizza I order is under the name “Abortion McButtfuck”
“Oh COME ON guys... it’s not like he made them ATTEND the funeral.”
Don’t forget, Pence - whose primary qualification for office is that he was a radio talk show host -once plotted to create a state-run media outlet, which by design would write fluff pieces about the goings-on of the Pence administration and submit them to smaller newspapers for print, under the guise of helping…
So Justin Verlander got his girlfriend to say mean things to baseball writers. And his brother’s going to tell them off too. That will show those writers not to
fuck withvote for Justin Verlander.
Comey came.