Tito Starmaster

According to The New York Times, Drumpf spokesperson Kellyanne Conway “denied that Mr. Bannon had a connection to right-wing nationalists or that he would bring those views to the White House. ‘I’m personally offended that you think I would manage a campaign where that would be one of the going philosophies,’ she

I say, channel your inner Deadspin and go with various permutations of the words “bone” and “boink” - but only if you go full-out and refer to penises as “dongs” and vaginas as “wherever.”

When you’re forced by the PC police to think of a subhuman boogeyman as potentially human, that’s elevation.

Blaming the elevation of others for your own bad outcomes in life affords you the luxury of being a career fuckup and still believing that better days are ahead,if only someone would do something about all those subhumans who are gaming the system to cheat you out of your God-given White Potential.

No shit. Can you imagine, working at a place and cashing a paycheck from it, then using that money to pay bills and buy personal items, maybe even sav for retirement, and considering THAT “self-sufficiency?”

You’re supposed to take a job at Wal-Mart or Papa Johns, and hope the Gubmint entitlements make up the

I kept telling my friend Hillary that, but she insisted. Said “...it would look good on her resume.” I was like, fuck that, open a hotel or a casino. Hell, open a hotel with a casino INSIDE it! A business that caters to a human need AND a human vice? Only an utter moron could fuck that up! But naw, she didn’t

The Rule of Law is essentially a golden way to say “I FINALLY get to bash some Mexican heads in!”

I’m betting that somebody fornicates inside the one in Hollywood.

Or defecates.

I’m willing to bet Pamela Ramsey Taylor can destroy a toilet, no matter what gender it was designed to accommodate.

Wait, what? Tell me that’s made up.

Jesus Christ, it’s not.

“But it’s not the PRESIDENT who hired the Trump Children, it was Wince Peevish or whatever his made-up name is, so, no - there is no conflict of interest there and to even suggest it marks you an enemy of the State. Why don’t you want America to be great again?”

White people have always been the problem. You’d think that we’d like to be the solution some day, but, haha, nope: here comes our President Cheeto and his administration staffed entirely by Fox News commentators.

I want to know who they are going to blame when this next recession hits like a tsunami of trickle-down

We had our chance to deny ignorance a place in the discussion; 25.5 percent of the country thought ignorance is what makes America great, 1.7 percent thought the repudiation of ignorance wasn’t as important as pies-in-skies promises crafted specifically for themselves, and another 46 percent just didn’t do anything.


From her wherever

Except, in the unlikely event they are sacked, they will probably be the beneficiaries of an infuriatingly lucrative GoFundMe.

If you’re like me, you saw this commercial while watching football, and it was preceded by a commercial for viagra single packs, then followed by a commercial for 46 calorie beer and you wondered to yourself why nothing advertised during your preferred viewing times ever seems aimed at (YOU).

Strike them with a 9000' bird.

I’m guessing America.

“If he wasn’t a secret Muslim, he wouldn’t have handed the country over to Trump. Thanks, Obama!”

Now playing

Breitbart gets a chair in the White House the same year that Gawker has its throat slit by a thin-skinned billionaire advisor to the Cheeto Elect.