Is this claim substantiated?
Is this claim substantiated?
I think Trump’s wife might be Kenyan. Can you prove she isn’t?
You should limit your annual coverage of this event to simply posting the terms and conditions for media credentialing they issue every year, with egregious passages bolded.
One day they’ll look up and realize they’re fighting the Moose Lodge and VFW for spectators.
Every year is better than the next.
We say that every time. Every time. It doesn’t help that certain parties actively seek to suppress the vote, and i they can’t suppress it, they gerrymander districts until the demographics come up pink.
Mike Pence is the greatest life insurance policy on earth. *I* would lay down my life for Trump to prevent that devolved baboon from getting his hands on the reins.
It’s possible she was boiling water for other purposes, then snapped. It takes like 14 minutes.
Duh. Tapeworms.
Well, that and Hillary essentially spending the entire post-primary campaign standing on an aircraft carrier with a big “Mission Accomplished” banner behind her.
If they believe Trump is going to bring manufacturing jobs back by force, then they’re as delusional as the Bernie Babies. You want to see how to save a rust belt city, look up Pete Buttigieg.
So they can get the undead babies of their dreams, and toss them into jail at the first opportunity.
They do so hate being reminded of what they are, after all.
Hey Florida, why don’t you vote for the guy who promised to gut the EPA and pull out of climate accords? Rising sea levels will do wonders for you.
Hey, rural asshats, why don’t you vote for the guy who promises to deport all the undocumented workers that make your farms viable? See you at the auction!
Do the cars really have to be made out of metal?
But but but those dirty tricksters at the DNC!
That’s what they’re latching onto, that their pie-in-the-sky socialist who jumped ship at the last possible second to appear to be a mainstream candidate didn’t have full support of the organization that was clearly geared towards a HRC run.
So they threw their shot,…
Except Obama clearly won both his elections, while Bush made off with his first by losing the popular vote. So, there’s that.
To this day, we are still dealing with the socioeconomic fallout of the Reagan administration. And he was 1000x more balanced than this thing we’ve elected.
That may be true, but I’m left to wonder what gargantuan step forward we’ve made that necessitated this incomprehensible step backwards. It wasn’t just the top of the ticket; nearly every single race went red. The people have hopped off their sister long enough to have spoken.
Like the huge pressure they put on the GOP to vet a candidate for the open seat on the SCOTUS for the better part of a year?
The Democrats will piss down their leg, like they always do when Republicans start getting huffy.
Oh, I doubt he lasts all four years.