
They already paid out a settlement to the family. She legitimately thinks she’s done nothing wrong.

I mean Donna More has donated to several Republicans (including Rauner and Eric Cantor) and is pretty unapologetic about it. But she is as close as it gets.

It’s name recognition, a thus far successful smear job of Kim Foxx and Donna More siphoning off anti-Alvarez votes.
But there are a lot of undecided voters still so hopefully things will change. They have to change, Alvarez is fucking evil incarnate and Foxx is the real deal and actually wants to reform the system.

Manning has a history of being a shady piece of shit. He is also, apparently, incapable of not lying about his behavior.

Texas benefits heftily from stealing jobs from neighboring states by having horrible work laws. It also benefits from having federal agencies that provide money and jobs that would dissapear if it seceded. But even with that, I do think Texas probably could function, although not near as well as people like Abbott

I don’t know, it’s close, but I think I’m probably on the side of people who don’t care about the penis substitute part and more care about the whole “lots of people dying because pathetic cowards who need guns to feel important can’t support even basic enforcement of gun regulations” part. Especially when the NRA

I agree with you, for the most part. But, I think Vick gets a bad rap, at least in comparison to the usual lineup mentioned when it comes to football players who are awful human beings. He does seem to have actually reformed and has lobbied for anti-animal cruelty bills.

He admitted that he spanked players during his tenure at DC United.

I totally understand that logic seeming reasonable to a competitive twelve year old. I probably would have acted the same way. Of course, that’s why there are supposed to be adults who will intervene but...

So I assume they hired a walking labor violation to coach a team literally named Union just for laughs.

So on a scale of MLBPA to NFLPA how bad is the MLS Players’ Union? They don’t seem particularly impressive when it comes to protecting players from an abusive coach.

How have there not been civil suits against any

Or that his own dad didn’t have to worry about coming into the country illegally because Cubans are automatically granted asylum.

This man has singlehandedly destroyed assumptions for both the level of general intelligence* expected from neurosurgeons and relative truthfulness expected from politicians.

*I know he is a brilliant neurosurgeon, but he seems to be an extreme example of applying intelligence in an exceptionally narrow way.

She goes by Marie in the article.

Did you know athletes who smoke every day and then religiously flush their system out to make sure their tests will always be clean? Because otherwise some advance notice is needed to make sure the diuretics+b12 have time to work.

I know that at the Big 10 school I went to, stars were told ahead of time when they would get tested. At least, so reported the players I smoked with back in college when I asked why nothing ever happened. Especially when I knew a walk-on who never smoked out of fear he would be drug tested.

Someone needs to make that story into a animated short. It would probably win an Oscar.

At the very least it would be great to watch after smoking.

Quite a few jurists disagree with your interpretation of the second amendment, so please don’t state is as unimpeachable fact. It’s only recently in American history that the current interpration has been used. I have always found it fascinating, or rather indicative of purposeful sleight of hand, how the NRA and

A lot of people in Austin and Englewood don’t particularly like it being set in Chicago either. So...

One of the problems a lot of people have in the movie is the lack of nuance the movie itself has. This is a movie that has a song talking about black people are the only people who shoot and kill each other. Chicago itself is clearly not reflected, there is a complete lack of context for the gang violence in the city.

Ignoring the “disorder vs. disease terminology” argument for a second. Are you honestly arguing that something like schizophrenia shouldn’t be considered a disability?

I didn’t realize that bombs injured and killed everyone during the attack. Oh, right, it’s because guns killed all of those people. Just like guns kill so many people in this country, many more than bombs. Many, many more than homemade bombs that malfunction.
I mean, that’s probably why the left is talking about gun