
Do you know anyone here who is going to see it besides for reasons of “maybe I am wrong about how terrible this will be”?

Almost everyone I know here is pissed about this shit. There are a couple of idiot outliers, but that was right after the trailer. I think the lyrics in that music video changed their minds about

Chicago doesn’t have to be the whole world, but the city itself is not the focus. There is nothing resembling Chicago in it, except for the fact that the city has gang violence and there is a character very much based on Pfleger (who has angered so very many people in his own community). Spike exploited the term and

I agree and disagree. The cops didn’t murder her, but I do believe they are responsible for her death. She wouldn’t have killed herself had she not been put in that position. I can very easily imagine feeling equally hopeless after experiencing what she went through. To believe that life was turning around and a new

Did you see his interview on the Daily Show? Noah tried to correct him and he just reiterated that the sex strike ended the war and got super patronizing. I don’t normally watch the show but the relevant part is around minute 7 or so of the interview if you are curious.

The song and music video released right after the trailer has the lyric “we are the only people who shoot and kill each other”

Which, NOOOPE, not at all. Not even in Chicago, not even if limiting to gang violence in Chicago, which has gangs of all races. There are also women who are active members. Because gang

You literally wrote it right there, if I had one Canadian Dollar and converted it to American money I would only get 75 cents. Do you not understand how currency exchange works?

I understand wanting to give the benefit of the doubt, but I really don’t think it is warranted in this case. This isn’t about helping, it’s just an ego trip. Same as Chiraq. There’s a reason a lot of people in the city are pissed at him and not for the reasons Rahm is.

Thank you for being awesome and hilariously funny ever since the golden days when you were just the person that constantly got COTD. Thanks for writing about so many things but I guess thank you most for returning some of the political focus that I think got lost after Megan Carpentier left.

Never underestimate the depth of Rahm’s pettiness.

The Feds are leading the investigation, it’s the only reason the video got released.

What a bullshit painting. I don’t believe for a second his hair was that straight and frizz free.

I enjoy that she posted this along with promoting her newest book. Her hucksterism is unparalleled.

Yeah, that was really frustrating to find out. I am just so pissed about Schumer. Partly because he can do more than just posture given he works on a federal level, but mostly because he remains the heir apparent to Reid for Senate leadership despite this being yet another addition to his record of openly opposing the

Obviously they’re concerned terrorists, inspired by the Wayans Brother’s cinematic masterpiece Little Man, will pretend to be babies and children so they can enter thr country.

Notably quite a few Christian and Jewish groups, even frequently awful ones like the ADL, have condemned the politicians advocating against taking in refugees. Fun fact: while it is mostly Republicans, some Democrats including consistently-awful-person Chuck Schumer are also assholes on this.

I’m curious as to what is going to happen to The Slot. They never mentioned it despite the whole “pivoting toward politics” thing.

Yeah, it seems both she and Annalee had been planning on leaving for a bit.

There clearly needs to be some sort of competition to decide on the best descriptor, when he inevitable drops out. Maybe make it the next March Madness, with Jezebel vs. Gawker? Or have each of the four sections represent different people? Although I can only think of Trump and Gronkowski who have achieved this level

A Gawker commenter does have a running list, I think this is the most recent one.

The idea that business experience gives you credibility to run a country (or a school, or a hospital or a prison, etc.) continues to baffle me. Even if you are a successful businessperson, that experience does not a good politican make. This is for a lot of reasons but one very simple one is that you can’t fire