
Ah, sorry, rereading the comment, I shouldn’t have assumed otherwise.

That he would have pretty much the same policy was kind of my point.

Well, not all of us.

He isn’t even all talk, because that comes with the assumption that he is capable of even saying the right thing. I never thought he could give an answer worse than “political revolution”

I agree that her foreign policy is what should be taken to task the most. But, I don’t know that Bernie would be that much better in the long run, even though he doesn’t have her terrible instincts. I am not sure he will be good because he seems to not be able to distinguish good advisers from bad, something I have

I honestly don’t trust that he is capable of working out the solutions or finding good advisers at this point.

I thought that was the case, but after reading this interview, I don’t think so. Those speeches had to be prepared for him, I don’t know why he wasn’t similarly prepped for this though.

They are excoriating him for it because he demonstrated that he lacked basic knowledge on a topic he talks about constantly. He isn’t wrong about how the system is fucked, but it is a problem that he has zero interest in figuring out how to fix it beyond giving speeches. I like the guy, but this is a serious flaw of

Is it that much of an overstatement? It is one thing to not know specifics about every issue, but to not be able to coherently articulate an analysis and plan to deal with his main focus is concerning. That he talks about that issue 90% of the time makes his lack of comprehension even worse.

I assumed he was keeping

And then he did nothing after.

He panders to rural white people on guns. He is flat out awful on guns and has repeatedly lied about gun control laws. Yet, his supporters fail to call him out for it. Bernie changed his views on gay marriage too, at first he only supported civil unions and said it should be up tot the individual state to decide. He

Yeah but Quinn is bland, and didn’t have a lot on his own going for him. He did well because he was the Democrat, not because of his own particular talents. Lisa has a ton of name recognition, a serious power base and is not as bland as a baked potato.

Rauner is awful, it is so fucked up that he won. I hate everyone

She should have run for governor, but couldn’t because her awful father, Mike Madigan, is Speaker of the House and refused to retire. She isn’t perfect but she would have destroyed Quinn in a primary and Rauner in the general. Everyone knew this, he still didn’t retire. So, in one non-action, he managed to be terrible

Well that was wished for pretty recently in the Sun-Times, but everyone was kind of pissed about it. For understandable reasons.

Seriously? There is someone better running right now in a completely winnable race. She was even mentioned in the article.

Chuy, Rahm’s opponent in the mayoral race, may have had a son with a problematic past, but that sone is not an active gang member. That really isn’t even a question. Neither is the fact that there was a wide gulf between them politically. I’m glad you voted for him, but there was no need to hold your nose.

They are also implying that somehow Obama hired an assassin competent enough to kill a sitting Supreme Court Justice without anyone at the lodge being the wiser, but incompetent enough that they suffocated him and left the evidence for everyone to see.

He also wasn’t exactly known for being a health nut.

Until there is a permanent special prosecutor there will always be problems with these kinds of cases, the police and SA work too closely together in their day-to-day jobs for that to be avoided. I know New York is going through a battle on this but more states need to try and get a change in this policy. It is the

The judge can require a special prosecutor for the case.

Incompetent would be an improvement, she is actively awful.