While I agree that everything here is awful, am I the only one who reads the “it” in the “do I want to fuck it” as being Lena?
While I agree that everything here is awful, am I the only one who reads the “it” in the “do I want to fuck it” as being Lena?
I don’t think people see it as incestuous; it’s transgressive IN THIS CULTURE to act out sexually in front of your kids, even if your kids aren’t participants.
I don’t think anyone is construing it that way. The issue is that his compulsion may interfere with his judgment and he may be allowing his child to witness adult sexual behavior, which is no longer considered appropriate, especially when it is not necessary. A normal person would have cut that off when their kid…
Well, BIVYg, feel free to contact ACS to tell them that your thorough and professional investigation of pictures featuring a sexually aroused man with a child has cleared Weiner of any wrongdoing. I’m sure they’ll appreciate you helping with their caseload like that.
Jesus, there’s Raumer over in Illinois, Brownback in Kansas, the Michigan governor . . . LOTS of people are worse than Weiner
Dennis Hastert, rapist.
Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick. I don’t even have to listen to what he says, I know as soon as I hear his name whatever follows will be incredibly stupid or harm a lot of people.
Paul LePage, Maine governor, for being totally vile and seemingly impossible to get rid off.
Let’s take a vote. Who, EXCLUDING TRUMP, has been the worst ex/politician this year? And you have to say why.
Or living in the frozen tundra of Siberia allows you to avoid pesky pollen.
PLEASE don’t apologise. You made a very good point. I am also tired of hearing sexism dressed up as ‘funny’ and when it’s called out, hearing back ‘Jeez it was only a JOKE calm down’. I’ve been on Jezebel for years (with various different accounts), and the tone of the site and who is “popular” changes all the time,…
I just find it scary how many there are. And how they ALWAYS have hundreds of likes for their comments. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t a significant number of people who think this way. And that is why I hate it so much. One can’t see women as more than objects, but the issue is women?!
No, it isn’t. Look at history. Look at most of the globe. Women are treated like shit. They are hated, and they are killed simply for being female.
I overheard 2 MRAs saying that women single with no children should be killed since they are clearly anti men and taking away jobs. It is scary out there.
I’ve seen that too, like fucking death threats. If we didn’t need you for babies we would have killed you all! I believe them too.
Well, yes, but my experience is that it has gotten worse in the years since sex and affection have been so thoroughly divorced by the porn-ification of sexual congress.
The emotional labor thing is really, really real. I can’t make you dinner and give you a blowjob because I’m too tired from doing literally everything else.
You know why they do that? Because they don’t even bloody notice the emotional labor that the women are performing for them ALL. THE. TIME. So they only acknowledge the sex and the sammiches. I avoid reading those kinds of comments, because it would give me a rage stroke, but I used to listen to my clients talk about…
You know what has been bugging me for a month?