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    Ann Coulter is the leader of a troll camp so wacky they won't even acknowledge her. Wow!

    Thank you. Maybe Jez needs to update their article on her reply.

    Well, look where she is from....we tend to forget North America is very progressive compared to the rest of the world.

    Why do people feel the need to over share their political views, then get into arguments on media share? Also, why can't our childhood actors and actresses keep their insanity in check on shared media? I would have never guessed Baio would get into a silly tiff with a child or endorse Drumpf.

    Yes, exactly. It is a grooming technique used to keep women in abusive relationships.

    T must have been the Brazilian men's team were on air....they are rather yummy.....oh, and talented.

    If these ignorant statements don't finally convince fence sitters of how racist and crazy Repubs are, nothing will.

    There are plenty... They usually live on the plains of self containment and humility. :)

    Women can very often accept and promote denigrating projects and images because they like to think they are being edgy or artistic. The bigger picture of what the images represent is lost behind the individuals rather naive assumption that this art represents the internal struggles of a human being. This view is

    Stein has no credentials to be President. I know it is popular to fight against the establishment, but this is not the time to experiment. Trump is too dangerous to human beings and our country’s infrastructure.

    In that vein of thought, maybe you should have replied, “I’m not secure enough in myself in order to accept other people have different opinions without being assinine in my retort.”

    You now need to forgive yourself. We all overreact sometimes especially when we are tired or stressed.

    Compassion is something I have to really work on, for myself and others. I'm extremely focused and sometimes forget the big picture is being kind to myself and to others. Good article.

    Just another idiot tweeting on commute.

    I got really bored and switched to kittens swatting Cobras. Safe to say I am not safer.

    Moonstruck was so fun!

    Bobby, was it terrifying because it looks terrifying?

    I know this gig... Cooking mitts still weren't enough some days.

    What mad hell is this?

    I remember Clooney talking about pouring his drinks in a nearby plant because Danny wouldn't take no for an answer. I think that would be obnoxious which is exactly why DeVito has had such a great career.... Playing himself. Ha