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    Beautiful Julianne....I'm not crying, I have allergies.

    I think he will make a fine President some day!

    I just can't seem to reconcile Republican with Feminist. It sounds as strange as black KKK member or Nazi Jew. I need to go sit down now.

    She will need to pick a penis...

    Were they referring to the GOP? That is rather harsh.

    Impeachment will be a reality after he destroys us.

    When is progressive going to be outside of asshats control?

    Recognize it is men trying to control again.... Patriarchy is dung and needs to go.

    This was his standard dude answer because he was dancing and didn't want to be called a fag. Recognize it, sheep?

    She doesn't have a penis so.... I'm sad too she wasn't THE HEIR


    I certainly have never encountered that and find abuse of men untenable.

    Ok, stop being awesome right now. You elevated my opinion of Kotaku and I won't stand for it. :)

    That is because Former President Roosevelt was the Bull Moose.

    Theodore Roosevelt was a layered, complicated man. If you ever get the chance, read River of Doubt about his exploration in SA.

    Does it bother anyone else that I've seen Calvin Harris in his under Roos and I still have no idea who he or what he does after googling him? Bring back men like Sting or Tony Bennett... Talent!

    Is it just me, or is the Hive attitude of women something men are idiots about? I don’t even know who Tom Brady is, but I’m thinking he plays sports since I think that crap is stupid. Wow, can men stop lumping what women want into their own insecurity vacuum?

    You are flying....

    Yes, this makes me think she need help. I hope people won't just ignore it as Ambien side effects as this lovely woman might need real help.

    That is my mom and Aunt Dorothea.