Now that would be a story....
Now that would be a story....
We have the best commenters. Ever!
Bravo, Kelly! I felt like I was there.... Standing on the corner salivating over the three day old pheasant and roast potatoes I dug up that day!
Right on, sir. You should definitely get to vote!
I'm in favor of more Bartlebys. Long live the Bartlebys!
The NRA are a hate group running our country.
Touch wood .... Thanks for this and for being a good person.
I have family who were staunch Republicans who are now Democrats. I think the Senate we need is in those willing to talk about the issue of keeping citizens safe.
I'm with you, but they are saying...But, but that isn’t what it means..... they are idiots and have no idea the historical context of our 2nd Amendment. I am starting to think people really are too uneducated to vote.
Thank you for sharing this. It is beautiful and heart wrenching all at the same time.
They are drinking from the well of greed... Down with the NRA in our government.
The NRA are holding our country hostage and no one wants to say it out loud.
The most successful people I know have degrees across the board and have learned to balance acquisition with family and community. To say only STEM is successful is hubris.
Thank you for your service to my buzz.
I understand it is extremely hard to prosecute in these cases. Unfortunately, minorities and women are thrown under the bus as men think they are also being harassed on the same level. The thing is men banter and posture and are all kinds of evil to each other. The fact that they can actually respond or take up for…
Puma, I approve of garments that show more man flesh ( yeah, too much LOTRs)
I know that you are making me giggle....
My FitBit thought I was running when I drove a motorcycle..... I'm quite the speedster apparently.
RBG is a gift to Murica, but Sotomayor is earning my admiration.
Toffees articles on campus rape made me think she was addled.