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    I agree. Nice. That is fitness art... SIs silly bikini pics are soft porn for little boys and men who are married and can tell their wives they get SI for sports articles. When we start selling the idea that sets is for everyone is when we will know society is really changing. Now it is predominantly for men.

    We have open container laws so sometimes it just isn't feasible to drive with an opened bottle of wine unless you have something you can secure it with in trunk. I have a few wine stoppers but they aren't stable enough for me to feel comfortable using them for transport...any ideas on how to do this without holding it

    Yes, America is so immature. I watch foreign cinema and there are a plethora of movies showing things Americans think is kinky as everyday, no big deal events. Period blood visuals are the same as sperm, pee or snot because they are all natural bodily functions. Sometimes I feel like people are stuck in middle school.

    It is all about the adventure, matey. Good answer!

    I would rather be thought of as a diva than admit I can't make KoolAid...a drink four years olds make everyday. I was making the powdery goodness when I was three, but then again, I am a junk food prodigy.

    My man is amaze balls.......but most men are crappy man children. If anything happens to him, sad just thinking about that, I'm going to have anonymous dalliances and Never marry again. Not all men, but most men aren't very smart or remotely kind. They want to be edgy and fit in with their peers to the detriment of

    I consider this the grownup section of Kinja, so it is always a little disappointing to see the trolls and disgruntled here complaining and showing their ass. I really enjoyed Dave's article and cannot fathom such unpleasantness about personal preferences. I wish the ones who have no filters would stay away.

    Thank the MRA groups and Fatherhood Coalitions who have made it their personal agenda to use children against the women who won't take their shit anymore and leave them. Since getting men fired up there has been a widespread vindictive streak to make sure ex wives suffer through their children. They act like men have

    OMG that is the cutest face ever!

    Does anyone else find this tactless, not mention creepy as hell?

    This.....why do we all have to make other people's identities or love lives or relationships about us? Why not just accept all the intricacies of love and relationships in the same way we accept that not all people like the same food or clothes? Geez, this isn't complicated...we just make it complicated, shaming and

    Men who love the muff are brilliant!

    Madonna has finally hit on why women love Fifty Shades of Grey....apparently no man likes going down on a girl that much. Please don't tell my man that! He likes giving me pleasure....poor Madonna....selfish bfs and husbands.

    Only send dick pics if requested. Otherwise, it is creepy.

    What would have been awesome, I mean terrible, is if your wife thought you were on the "down low" and left you after releasing all your critiques to your family members. Then you could write a screenplay, be the next Judd Apatow and do coke with Lindsay Lohan while sending your own dick pics to Scarlett Johansen, who


    The only thing I remotely agreed with was use your tongue. I'm assuming we are talking about cunnilingus so yes, use your tongue. Otherwise, I wish this had been written by one of the regular staff at Jez because this shit was not even funny.

    He was in August: Osage County so maybe he was speaking about Oklahoma.He actually did very well with an American accent.

    They look tired.

    He was so perfect in that film...talk about atmospheric.