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    Gaysian, the own you bit was my first instinct on what you wrote and how he responded. Branding you, or disliking the mark of another man on you could have led him to make the damaged goods remark which is abusive in of itself. You were lucky he showed his true character.

    Exactly, my XL still has tons of games I haven't played yet. However, the upgrade from the older systems is fairly remarkable. I even like the 3d aspect, though I may be an anomaly.

    She has body dysmorphia......

    If you use a mythological tome to argue your point, you are wrong. End of story.

    Between Hiddleston and Hunnam the eye candy here is glorious.

    This is awesome news. Tired of science being overwhelmed by the religious uneducated who tout their ideas like they are facts in politics, sociology and criminal law. Time for lawmakers to stop letting religion cloud their judgments when science has disproven this time and time again. There is no disorder. Being who

    I always think of exercising, yoga and meditation as rewards as well as journal writing, pedicures, playing a favorite video game, etc. Or, sometimes I just need a few minutes to myself to browse the Internet for uplifting stuff.

    I agree with all of this. It is common sense. Thank you for your no nonsense reporting.

    Confidence is the best beauty secret out there and few know how to project it like this woman.

    Doctor, is that you? Time Lord?

    Is it wrong to hope this Judge is immortal? Maybe she has a makeup artist to help her with her elder look and truthfully she looks like Julianne Moore underneath it all.....she was turned by Lestat centuries ago and will never leave us. God, this would be an awesome HBO series.

    Then shit on my clean car...that is what bird Jesus would do...that is what they all do. It is all fun and games, riding on hippos until my clean car gets in their line of sight...then....pew pew pew....little lasers of shit everywhere.

    The excuses will be anything the cheater knows you are insecure about....it is about him being a cheater, not your weight or ability to fold underwear. I hope you are planning to lose that weight...in the form of your asshole husband. Tactics like that are inexcusable. Most people who are worried about weight gain

    Bumping for importance!

    Noooooooooooooooooooooo! There goes my monies!

    This was such a cute article, Jolie. I'm pretty neutral about VDay, but it was nice to see some happiness associated with it as well as some snark to balance it all out.

    I'm not saying people don't feel things, but acting on them or distrusting someone you love without reason isn't healthy. Jealousy, if not justified through cheating or excessive flirting which can be handled by boundaries or exiting, is about the person who is jealous and it is our job as mature, emotionally healthy

    Practical isn't horrible. No one can afford this many kids except millionaires and give them what they need these days to excel.

    Yes, it was disconnected in every way. Also, why were these women with these men? Not only were they made up to be flicking And unnecessarily ugly but they were dumb and morally intolerable.

    You are right on! This is depressing but you are so right! I know you are right and it makes me furious. I'm done with being sad, now I'm just pissed the freak off.