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    I love that brush...best one I have!

    I need that cat....as a little women, I need that cat for light duty.

    Prove it.....:-)

    Aren't they a bit late on that episode anyway? GG has been debunked, satirized, mocked and deemed irrelevant by the masses for months now. The only people,who think it is relevant are the socially inept who use it to have "friends." Real gamers think this is bizarre and most male gamers think Adam Baldwin is trolling

    She pays lip service but does nothing. She is no better than a sexist man, but is actually worse for pretending to be proactive in consideration of female talent. She sucks.

    I wish women would understand that jealousy is not love, nor is it flattering. It is indicative of a damaged partner who does not trust their SO and wants to control them. It is abusive and sad that so many think it is romantic. This is what the media has taught women Love looks like and it leads to more domestic

    Misogyny and Racism is everywhere. This is par for the course for the Republican Party.

    Hatred for women is exhaustingly shortsighted.

    Jezebel has a hard on for Fifty Shades. Topic is exhausted and we get it.....it is not the great American novel. Move on already!

    The aggression women receive for trying too hard, not trying hard enough, having work done, needing work done, not fitting a cookie cutter mode, looking too cookie cutter mode is exhausting and insane. Criticism has somehow became validated just by existing regardless of the source. Indeed, who gives a thought to this

    Congratulations. May you be happier tomorrow than today. That is an old wedding toast from the Appalachian Mountains. Best wishes.

    Funny how many conversations about finance is put off until after the ceremony. Kudos for all the same sex information and the pics. I'm glad to see our LGBT community being included in these conversations. Finances can be tricky if you aren't on the same page with up to date information.

    Art galleries, bookstores, pet stores, outdoor roller skating or skateboarding, free poetry readings, historical sites like forts or boats. I'm also a big believer in picnics and utilizing parks just to hang out.

    Are they against children or women? Which are they trying to exterminate? Not allowing home births when there is no alternative, with a midwife or doctor there, is mind boggling unless they are trying to get rid of people. Maybe this is their way of eliminating women and children from their state. Hmmm, not very smart

    This is charming....Great new contributor...and I agree.

    Oh, sorry, they called but I forgot to give you the message. :-) I let my aversion to humping dead fish keep you from realizing your full potential, and for that, I am truly sorry, but not sorry!

    Due to photoshopping, no one looks real anymore. I wouldn't plaster a photo of my baby in a magazine either.

    We always are.....just fantastic!

    Yep! I have no regrets in being child free, only happiness, sanity and lots of money.

    Then the Pope is selfish since he has no children...that we know of.