Tipsy Longstocking

Dorothy is the best. If I grow up to be Dorothy, I will be thrilled.

Absolutely. In re-watching the series (for probably the 80th time), I noticed that a lot of the outfits Blanche wears that Dorothy considers "too young" for her are clothes that no one would bat an eye at a 50-year-old wearing today.

This is accurate. White superiority was a concept designed by wealthy slaveowners to keep poor whites happy with their current economic situation. They may have been dirt poor, but they weren’t black, so win. Still works today.

This looks good. But unless the theme song features a resounding "woo ooh" chorus, do not want.

Which proves what we’ve all known for quite some time: He’s this administration’s Barney Fife trying to solve a How to Get Away With Murder case. 

I am also a biracial woman. I grew up in the Deep South. Honestly, until Sage said so, I had no idea she was racially mixed. She’s several shades browner than the mixed people I know (including myself).

Frankly, this is the only aspect that bothers me. You don’t want to believe widely accepted opinion? I can get with that.

You’re too lazy to find out if your idea is actually correct? You on your own with that one.

Slightly off-topic, but Shepard Smith’s face, y’all.

Looking like he could have been at this board meeting.

The whole time the vid was playing, I kept thinking “Is she really going to show the hair or nah?” When she pulled that phone up to the mirror, though, I was not. ready. Poor thing.

This is a salient point.

And then we hop into the car and we drive down Pennsylvania Avenue together and we don’t even talk about it. Politics is amazing.

This is sad, but true. It’s ironic how he doesn’t like being called a “house negro”, but that way of thinking is rooted in the historical privilege of working in “the big house”. Gross.

I didn’t really get into Yeats, but that quote alone has given me reason to revisit his works. Thanks.

Plus, we would never make fun of Atlanta’s Super Bowl loss by calling it a “terrorist attack.” It was more of a fetish video.

These are the same people that cancelled Netflix after Luke Cage premiered and then resubscribed in time to watch Gilmore Girls. If we ignore them, they’ll go away...and then come back. Who cares.

George Lopez is painfully unfunny. He also gives off a distinct self-hating vibe. Like he would push a button and not be Mexican if he could. But he can’t and he’s a hack, so he’s stuck in this unfunny career that he knows is unfunny.

The lady in the audience could leave him and his corny hate behind. But he’s stuck

This is great and well-deserved for both of them.

When did Can’t Get You Out of My Head ever get outdated? Fantastic then. Fantastic now. Fantastic always. 

“You say you can prove it,” Cuomo said of Phillips’s voter-fraud claims. “I say, ‘OK, I trust you, you can prove it.’ Show me.”

“That case went a long way toward ruining her life,” Tyson said, explaining how the elderly woman never escaped the case’s notoriety.