Tipsy Longstocking

My brother and I watched BET religiously during the 80s and early 90s. I was so sickened to see what it turned into around 1998 and continued to be until very recently. Glad that the network is having a renaissance.

Oh, silly you and your “facts”.

“If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting,” Trump tweeted early Thursday.

Yes! That was also weird. Your intent is irrelevant. Your actions and words are what matter. This is literally the advance way of saying “I didn’t mean to!” What.

‘It is. It’s an honor to do this, and yes, I believe that we have to be honest with the American people,’ Spicer told reporters. ‘I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts. There are certain things that we may not fully understand when we come out, but our intention is never to lie to you.’

I can’t even try to be witty. This is tragic.

You know, before the Google, I would give a pass to lazy obtuseness. Who wants to spend a whole day looking through a card catalog at the library to find a reputable reference work that supports a random fact?

The movie looks really, really good.

Stacey was the only one talking directly about other black people, though, as if they were the problem. She wasn’t just there. She was there to actively instigate racial commentary that made the network look like the good guy and any person/group of color into the villain. That’s what’s no longer needed, since they

Before Trump was elected, Stacey was helpful in the “we’re not racist, you’re the racist!” narrative. He won, so Fox News be like...

"Girl's Not Grey" has been on constant repeat on my workout playlist FOR THE LAST 15 YEARS. No lie.

Gah! 10 minutes late on this.

“The energy of the crowd is completely different, and there’s no diversity,” said Cormier, an African-American woman who traveled from Plainfield, N.J. “I didn’t realize this movement is so white.”

Hillary looks amazing in that picture. Like she’s been reborn as someone who no longer has to deal with mess.

Came here to see the newest Trump descriptor.

Well, it’s not necessarily bad if it’s accurate.

I read the book “Family of Secrets” last year and was horrified by the inside story of Bush 1's presidency...and the years he spent before that with the CIA. The facts of both Bush administrations should be revisited regularly, if for no other reason than to get ALL the facts in proper perspective so that they’re not

Clarke uses the word “jigaboo”. That tells me all I need to know about his circle of friends.

Also - are we really going to claim the Republican party of Douglass’ day is the same as today? Are we? Because that’s just asinine. But again. Circle of friends.

Agreed. I have returned gifts to my mother, because she is a raging narcissist and gifts always come with conditions. I also choose not to talk about it in public, because it’s too messy. Family members can be truly awful sometimes.

I never watch the Steve Harvey Show. That day, my husband was home from work and he watched it. I actually caught that segment. And not only was it offensive and stupid, it wasn’t funny at all. And he knew it wasn’t funny, which is why he kept pretending to crack up. The audience wasn’t loving it.
