Tipsy Longstocking

Okay. I’ve been in an off-again, on-again relationship with Gawker Media for some time, but never really found a reason to stay around. I have now. Glad you’re here.

I saw Quiz Show when I was 11. My life was changed forever upon witnessing the splendor of Ralph Fiennes. There are not enough swoons in the galaxy.

Starred because Y.E.S.

You're not alone. I thought this as well. But that assumes that humans WANT to know the truth about the world. Those people will develop a filter or at least be willing to spend 30 seconds doing a good search to find out what's going on.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd stunned me the first time I read it. I kept going back to the earlier chapters and trying to find the hints I'd missed. Fantastic.

I just posted the definition of doublethink the other day. We are truly watching it happen before our eyes. Maybe “bigly” = “goodthinkful”.


Mr. Longstocking said that the $75k was probably due to Hibbert specifically saying he didn't care if he got fined. I tend to agree with that, because we all know that the league is taking a zero-tolerance approach to any appearance of dissent. Still a ridiculous fine though.

Been there myself. I literally could not have made it through my last pregnancy without regular visits to my chiro. My OB's opinion of symphysis pubis distortion was "Well, this is pretty common." Dude, you try living a normal life while your pelvis feels like it's splitting in two.

Dear God. And not to make excuses for her actions, but if her father is guilty of these crimes, I have no doubt he terrorized her as a child too. :(

And grab her and turn her around just to make sure. That part of her account did not do much to disprove the reports about what an awful mom she was.

As was I! His character was the most attractive BY FAR. So sweet and endearing and earnest.

I'm a home-based freelance web content editor. Until recently I was easily putting in 50 hours a week or more. Last week, I instituted a strict schedule of no more than 35 hours a week. Mr. Longstocking says I'm much easier to deal with now.

Great to hear! Maybe I'll get off my behind and try another one this year.

The bigger problem for advertisers, I think, is that so many people (myself included) use AdBlock extensions in some form or another. Back in the day, you couldn't opt out of seeing print ads, but now? I can't remember the last time I saw an ad in my browser (except on FB).

I did this exact same thing before my first (and only so far) half marathon. And I was stressed and kicking myself the entire way to the starting line.

I call BS on the "have a baby" part. Mr. Longstocking and I have yet to find parents near us that we connect with. If you think the people you met in college weren't really your friends, wait until you get around other parents. Everyone has an opinion on what your child should/shouldn't be watching, should/shouldn't

Agreed. And it shows that in his mind one "sin" is worse than another, which is not supported by the Bible he claims to follow. Smh.

I was watching Thomas and Friends with the little Longstockings the other day. They showed Sir Topham Hatt's wife and she couldn't have been more than 25. Even the Island of Sodor is not safe from this crap, you guys!

No. We'd be having a discussion about "chauvinism", "sexism", and general disrespect for women.