Tipsy Longstocking

But, but, but... there are coins!

“I demand that you shoot me now! Shoot me now! Shoot me now!”


Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

That was Holiday Inn lounge singer bad.

All I see is a potential shooter.

“One-fourth of Fifth Harmony”

My shocked face:

I’m shocked. Shocked I say.

You don’t say?

Puts TWO Tubs in the collection plate after this sermon!

One of the only good things to come out of the disaster that is Trump is the larger world getting to know and love April Ryan*. Her reaction to Sanders saying only people with gutter minds would read the Gilibrand tweet is priceless.

That explains the firing; I just wanted to verify my suspicions.

It’s Harold Ford, Jr of course it was a white woman!

It feels very good to be wrong - I didn’t think he would get any time at all

Imagine what it’s like working with her every day! My best don’t never feel good enough!

But really, that’s all she had to offer. After having your picture taken all day, the last thing you want to do is take candids. As a fellow model, I (kind of) relate.

You know what, there’s nothing wrong with working on something you’d like to see changed and getting a little help when, diet and exercise can’t outpace time. I’m with you on that one!