Tipsy Longstocking

Leonard Leo.


What a time to be alive.

This made my day.

I hollered.

Well, we *thought* she asked for money and we announced that in an attempt to discredit her story, but then it turned out she hadn’t asked for any money at all and we were just big, terrible liars!

This is right on time. My brother was in town last weekend and treated me to a mani-pedi. He paid, so it was all good, but $65 a week is not happening on my budget.

This I can do.

The slideshow was so sweet and relatable. But then you ended with Veronica killing everything in sight even 25 years ago. Messed me all the way up.

25 years ago, I was wearing glasses and curly bangs. Sigh.

YES. My husband and I have four children and I am a chronic “over-giver”. When my brother visited this week, he suggested that I go get a mani-pedi. Immediately I thought “No, I don’t need that.”

Then I recalled that I hadn’t had one since I was pregnant with my first child...THIRTEEN YEARS AGO. Needless to say, I

I just have to say:

I am so glad she’s up front about using Botox. I’m not judging. Her face is her brand. But it’s refreshing to hear someone just straight up say “Yes, I get Botox from time to time” instead of just denying it everyday.

Go ‘head, Cynthia.

This is it. This is the tipping point. I love her.

This is beautifully written. Off to Google more of his lovely designs.

I have heard this mess from white people so much. “Oh, your skin is so beautiful! I wish I had brown skin!” No you don’t. You wish you could have bronze skin and keep everything about your current life as is. That’s not the same. At all.

To quote Paul Mooney: “Everybody want to be a n***a, but don’t nobody want to be a

I am seriously about to pass out. Veronica, you were the first woman of my shade I ever saw on a magazine cover. I admire you so much.

*parks entire self here for the rest of the week*

I’ve been saying this for years. You can have a white parent and call yourself “mixed” or “biracial” all you want.


Only 45 could succeed in making another narcissist look less narcissisty.

The single tear drop transitioning to the perfunctory shot in the rain.

Yep. Probably why I have no problem believing this happened.

So I’m Tipsy Longstocking on Disqus and Kinja. Can anyone see this or am I greyed? I truly cannot face the future if I’m invisible on The A.V. Club.

I’ll see your transcript quote and raise you this one:

When I saw that headline last night, my mouth actually dropped. Who does that?

Someone with an ego so large that it renders their judgment-making capabilities null and void.

Women should absolutely be able to go wherever they please without being assaulted. Or even feeling as if they *might* be assaulted. If even a third of this story is true, this guy needs to be locked up.