
It's an organic protein filament that loses pigment as I age!

"But the truth is, that when a Library expels a book of mine and leaves an unexpurgated Bible lying around where unprotected youth and age can get hold of it, the deep unconscious irony of it delights me and doesn't anger me." Mark Twain

Meh. Needs a third boob.

I don't like seeing meat I'm not allowed to eat.

Giving a shit about this just lends validity to the human dog shows that are beauty pageants.

I mentioned some of this on another article recently. And this is really more of a full scale pregnancy horror, story, but here goes. So, it took me 3 years to get pregnant with my son. That included the indignity of a plethora of infertility tests and treatments. I ended up getting pregnant while we were on a short


Since this literally just happened to me and I'm recovering from a c-section after being discharged yesterday, I'm sort of vicariously excited to see what other people went through.

Of course I'm weighing in. Be warned, I am giving (almost) all the details.

My money's on one of those weirdo crunchy home births.

I had a really problematic pregnancy. When I delivered, I tore. Forward. This is apparently kind of rare, but I split up the middle toward my clitoris. I cannot explain how painful that was.

I keep my supply of Brain Bleach handy whenever I read one of his posts. I was worried about what dark turn that Baby Owl post was going to take last night.....

can we?


Welcome new blood! I just want you to know that this is the sort of place where a person can get 300 recommends for writing a comment about pooping in public. You've been warned.

This comment is problematic.

I <3 it when my two favorite ladyblogs cross-over into a third dimension of awesome. Welcome!

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.