
How did I not know this term existed? I need to venture out from under my rock occasionally.

SUSPIRIA!! AKA "One Of My Favorite Shades Of OCC Nail Polish" and also "That Movie With The Amazing Color Palette That Makes Me Want To Redecorate The Whole House."

Did anyone else grow up in a classical music household? My dad is old (had kids late) and has always loved his concertos and sonatas and operas and such.

David Schwimmer

I filed for divorce yesterday. He left me over two months ago and there is no chance of reconciliation, but it's still really weird. I never in a million years thought I would get divorced. I went from feeling empowered (I'm getting this over with!) to feeling sad, to just plain exhausted. It's been a week, that's for

Well, I kind of blew a midterm exam last Wednesday, but a lot of people did, so it'll be OK. Other than that, we're getting used to not having Her Majesty around. We miss her. She was a good queen.

Condolences to you for the loss of your kitty! RIP

Reminds me of the (female) cat we just had to put to sleep a week and a half ago. She didn't have the Poirot mustache, but she did have the white whiskers. Poor thing had cancer in her sinus cavity and could barely breathe.

A Poirot moustasche, n'est pas?

im calling it the reverse chaplin

He is judging me right now for my choice of stretchy yoga pants with the holes, but you know what? I judge him right back when he decides to lick his butt-hole in front of company.

My dad works for the Department of Homeland Security.

Like, 13 years ago, I got arrested for "borrowing" an RV that was for sale in my neighbors yard. He had left the keys in the ignition. My pal and I (totally sober btw) decided to take it for a spin around the block. When we got back the cops were waiting for us. My neighbor didn't press charges. He actually kinda

Oh god

What about cutest, funniest kids...

I wish I had a photo of this sweet Halloween memory. One year in college Halloween landed on a weeknight, and I had an early class the next day so I pulled it together and stayed in. The next morning I was walking to said early class and I saw the SADDEST little bumblebee, holding her stinger in her hand, shuffling

Over on the Observation Deck, io9's Groupthink, we do a biweekly mixtape contest and our theme was Halloween. This was my entry... God damn do I love Halloween.

It's a low dose pill so everything will calm down hopefully, it's always an adjustment at first any time new hormones are introduced :/ And that particular episode is hard to watch, no matter what is in your body at the time!

The patch seemed to help some when i tried it for a little bit. This is all very helpful, thank you for real. I doubt the ecig is "healthy" but if it can actually help me quit I think it might be worth it, then quit that. My birthdays next month and I plan to get one of these methods then. Ill try to remember