
You know that Johnny Werzner kid - the kid who delivers papers in the

Rebellious conformity? Oh Gap, you're not supposed to reveal the inner core of Shame that is keeping us, your customers, together. I don't feel I'm worthy of anything better, so I don't "do fashion," but I also can't shop at Target because it would take some skill to put good outfits together, and, again, I can't "do

I admittedly (on the original post) called it a good move. At the time there was a massive outcry on Twitter and in many other outlets questioning and outright condemning the NFL for co-opting the music of a domestic violence survivor to pimp out their Thursday Night Football. They didn't reach that decision on their

I could watch that cat taking down that asshole kid all day.

I see now that the comment is actually a lot more nuanced than the way I first read it...I replied to the OP again. But thank you for the gracious interpretation; I mean that.

Welp. So many of you were helpful and kind a few weeks back when I was here on a Saturday night talking about my then-upcoming outpatient surgery. I was terrified that I'd say something embarrassing during conscious sedation.

Alrighty, gather ye round, I have some bullshit to vent about:

I've been getting so many aggressive/vile/vulgar cat calls recently, and just now I was walking home with my bag of Subway for dinner in my jean shorts some dude yelled out to me, "Hey.. Hey, I think you're cute!" that I was actually thought, "Wow. What a nice guy. He didn't say anything about my pussy!"And then I


why am i not having sex with evan peters right this second

I just had a GREAT day! I introduced my mom to a great little place for lunch (Mahi Mahi salad!!!) and she insisted she treat. Then we had a mom/ daughter day. She took me to Teavanna and tea'd me all up. Very sweet/ Very fun!

Oh my god, I have actually seen this documentary. It's called Show Cats: The Standard of Perfection. It makes the characters in Best in Show seem well-adjusted and in touch with reality.

I was just thinking about how glad I am to have a cat in my life. I enjoy just watching him sit and look out the window. I don't enjoy his ... love bites ... but he is fun to have around. I am actually going to take up drawing and painting again just so I can do portraits of him.

I won a $200 blender yesterday, and I got a raise. Bring on the margaritas!

"...and they're smaller than horses..." GO TEAM HORSE LADY!

Yesterday night, me and my guys were hanging out at someone's house, around a fire and we were drinking. We started talking about the Ray Rice incident, and for the first time ever, I disclosed my rape and abusive relationship to my friends.