
ok seriously Dodai and the rest of staff, what the fuck? I know I'm not the best and brightest of commenters but this pending shit is fucked. I mean, no one seems to review this shit and it's fucking annoying. I'm not posting racist, mysogynistic, or offensive shit but I'm always stuck in the pending or grays as are

1. Getting ready for the wedding NEXT WEEKEND YOU GUYZ

I don't really have one (or maybe I do, and even the anonymity of the internet is not enough of a shield for me to divulge it), but I met someone with a weird one once.

I'm pretty big into karaoke, Disney songs in particular. I like to do the accents if the song calls for it, with Be Our Guest as Lumière the

My other weird turn on? Matt Damon and Michael Douglas doin' it in "Behind the Candelabra."

Ve haff vays aaf making you come.

Priest collars. Don't judge me. The Thornbirds was really seminal (heh) in my life.

Stop stop STOP! My shadenfreüde boner can only get so erect!

And thought he could convincingly push all of the blame towards his soon to be ex wife. Too bad. So sad.

he totally thought he was going to get away with it.

Homeboy passed on a plea deal that would have only given him one charge (without jail sentence) AND spared his wife any charges.

Antibiotics are like... just as good as opiates. Wooooooo....

Not the same guy, I hope?

Oh gawd. I have at least two of those. One for 6 years, the other since, like, forever. I mean, I've literally known the other dude since we were born. We're a half-hour apart in age. If I could lobotomize myself, I would seriously consider it.

Last night over cocktails, one of my roommates and I confessed the fact that we both have a man in our lives that we're both pining over. And not just regular pining, but one of those lads that gets under your skin and stays there, no matter how many miles or years between you. (Me, 5 years, her for around 10.)

I am in full-fledged wedding panic mode. I had 5 dreams last night about things going wrong. Here's the thing, though. It's just a dinner party at the house. That's it. And, even more annoying, I've hosted far more complicated dinner parties at my house than this one (I've done themed historical dinners with costumes

I have struggled with depression my entire life, and I didn't get therapeutic or pharmacological support for it until I was an adult. Talk therapy, meds—and it can be a journey to get the right cocktail going—and exercise all help control it. The extras that I add are weird but help A LOT. I eat a few Brazil nuts

sometimes depression is somethingt ever fully get over. I'm sorry to have to say that. For me, the most successful things I have found are refusing to not get enough sleep and prioritizing self care, finding the little things you get joy out of and embracing them no matter how immature they may be. Also, and I don't

I saw that advice as well and I'm really trying to follow it. It seems to help so far! Of course I was wi-fi free for 3 days and I haven't been commenting cuz I'm just playing catch-up and there's no use in commenting on 2 day old posts...