
I'm not a woman, so I have no experience with being sexually assaulted like this

THIS. ALL OF THIS. Yes. You literally get it from both fucking sides. "How dare you not speak up" or "But why did you speak up?" Fuck. That. Noise.

Serious question - I feel moderately the way you describe when my boyfriend comments to me about running alone, running in the evening, or women running alone in general. I know he just wants me to be safe. But it irks me when he says these things. Like, why should I have to alter my life, why should any women have to


I wish the people trying to "help" us by perpetuating this attitude that maybe these things could be avoided if we made different choices would just shut the fuck up and take responsibility of how much they are a part of this goddamn problem.

drawing dino bones is in BAD TASTE

Hungry! Pretty sure my nipples have maybe another week before they just fall off.

I was thinking more Gilligans Island or Heathers... But I can work with All About Eve.

Whatever you do: Don't try an exotic new food before the appointment. You don't wanna win that Pissing Contest.

That's what I was thinking! I hope everything turns out fine. People like that lady sure know how to ruin other people's reputation.

Ugh. She's going to try to turn it around on you somehow... First she gets the boyfriend; then she gets the friends/co-workers; then she gets the power.

I agree with cocopop. This woman needs to be gone from your life, and while I don't think that a smear campaign is appropriate, your mutual friends will bring it up, and you should be honest with them.

I don't know about your boyfriend, but tell your friends why you are breaking contact with her if it comes up. Chances are that they know how she is. Don't tell her husband. That's her business.

Are we allowed to recommend amazing commenters to get followed by Jezebel? Like, maybe you could read their posting history and see if they have the chops? (Hint: yes.) Short list:

Good. Whew!

I think she's on vacation. Pretty sure she was at Creative Emmys in LA last weekend.


Or like being a small kid in bed on summer nights, hearing the older kids still playing outside :(