
I always thought Manhattan looked like a flaccid dick.

This cat is ashamed to be involved with this movie and is giving all the humans who forced him into this the hairy eyeball.

I am the internet hero you deserve, but not the one you need right now.

One of the things that this has crystallized about my own depression, something that I couldn't put words to, is the pure exhaustion of it all. I can imagine that this diagnosis would have been another weight thrown on the pile.

Going to keep sharing this:

This week is like a nesting doll of awful. You think you've reached the end of it and, oops, more awful.

Having dealt with depression my whole life, I've spent a lot of time wondering what sort of new problems in my life would finally just make it not worth it any more. I guess this might have been his version of that.

Will you watch Napoleon Dynamite and then tell me why it sucks, please? I think you'd be funnier than me.

I just finished a student led panel talking to faculty, staff, administration and the university police.

"no student has ever been expelled over sexual assault or had any annotation on their transcript."

This picture is awesome. KITTEHS 4 PRESIDENT(S)!

It's all fun and cat-games until they band together and start singing "Memory" and knocking things off the shelves.

Have them stuffed and carpeted! The Overlords demand more scratchy posts.

This is how the world ends, with pissed off feral cats and a Walmart parking lot.

holy fucking shit...

Yes! I loved reading "The Center Cannot Hold" by Elyn R. Saks because she spends time describing the approach to care practiced in the UK in contrast to what happens in the U.S. In the U.S., patients are implicitly punished for not responding to pharmaceutical treatment. When will we be willing to accept the pain of

It's time we fucking got serious about depression and the philosophies and techniques we use to "treat" it. What we're doing is not working (pharmacology and psychological talk therapy). The crap we're going to hear (sorry, I feel strongly about this) about how he was sad despite making people happy is another example

I was feeling bad enough at the prospect of turning 56 tomorrow. Such a great talent and a great loss. My brother took his life ten years ago at the age of 52 after a long battle with depression, substance abuse and other demons. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of him by something, a song he liked, or

Sadly, up thread some people STILL haven't learned that the more you reply to a Kinja troll, the higher up in the thread they appear. For the second time today,