
You're not just disagreeing, you're intentionally provoking people with the illusion of disagreement.

Prior to Kinja, I headed the trollpatrol team for Jezebel, as many people here know. We dealt with rape gifs, violent pornography, racism, and harassment regularly, but there was a system in place with which to have it reported and dealt with. Banning didn't usually result in the same person immediately making a new

I just want to write dude, not dismiss bloody rape gif trolls every day. It is the worst part of our jobs to hear from commenters that they can't discuss, say, a teen girl being great at Little League without some person boasting a burner account using the collective comment thread as a chance to harass people.

It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.

For what it's worth, I want to apologize to our readers who are forced to interact with these violent gifs regularly. The point of Kinja is to create a better platform for discussion and those discussions CANNOT happen when you're inundated by such traumatizing material. It's this person's goal to shutdown

What bothers me about this is that we don't record IP addresses so as to protect these burner accounts for people who might want to tip us anonymously about a story. So the company is seemingly placing a priority on making these hypothetical tipsters feel safe over the safety of the actual real live women who write

The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.

I'd guess there are very few people alive today who can say they were bitten by an organ grinder's monkey. Probably different a hundred years ago. That's the most 'hipster' animal attack I've ever heard of. I don't hate hipsters, I 'm just saying.

Holy shit, my time has come. I have a good one. Back a few years, I was on my way to a friend's house for general fun times. I was wearing a mini skirt and high heels. This is important as it sets up the general idea of why I wasn't prepared for this shit.

Then I threw my at in the ring.

Ahhh I have a skunk story. This happened a couple of years ago and it was my first encounter with a skunk ever in my life. Because of this occurrence and the two times my dogs have been sprayed by them, I loathe skunks. I think they're horrid little animals.

Oh, I am so very many...

This is one of my favorite stories, and if anyone I know reads this they will instantly know I wrote it (hi friend!): When I was in maybe 7th grade and my sister was in 8th, we were called upon to care for our neighbor's herd of alpacas. We had experience working on a horse farm, so this wasn't a big leap—give them

I don't know how "insane" this is, but I was walking through a London park a few years ago and stopped to look at something (possibly the beauty of nature, probably my phone) when I felt something tapping my foot. I looked down, and there was a little squirrel, using both his front paws to tap tap tap on my shoe. I

I wish I could edit that. I repeat words unnecessarily. Particularly, particular. Down, down. Where, where. Excuse me.

So I used to live in Juneau, AK for the summers when I was in college, and worked at a helicopter company giving tours to people coming through on cruise ships. On my day off, a few friends and I decided to take a hike up to the Eagle Glacier, which is about a 7 hour round trip hike that runs adjacent to the Eagle

In college I took a 1-credit class called Camping. It was the easiest, funnest class I ever took. (eg, one time we spent a class putting up and taking different kinds of tents). At the end of the class we did an overnight camping trip to a state park. While there, we had to give group presentations on different

I fed a banana to a rhinoceros. It still had the sticker on it, but he didn't mind and ate it anyway peel and all.

A friend of mine died. I was really sad. I was sitting outside missing her on a bench outside of work on a beautiful sunny day. A lovely orange butterfly landed on my knee and hung out there for several minutes. It cheered me up immensely, and flew away.

due to my occupation, I really should have more crazy/weird animal stories, but amazingly, I don't. Probably because when you work with animals for a living, you get a bit complacent. I *could* tell you multiple stories of dogs being sexually abused by their owners, sometimes repeatedly. Likewise multiple stories of