
From one doctor to another, I concur that this is also correct.

Don't tell me what I can even! You're not my real mom!

It's not. It's always Florida. And in this case, it's Oklahoma. Mark put the wrong state.

They should just change their name to the "Disgustingly Reactionary Party"...aka DERP.

For the love of all things holy, why is he wearing a CORN TIE?

Concealer? In the best traditions of the conservative party to eradicate unwanted dark spots, he's using white-out.

Great, Burt, great. Now I've gone and bought three episodes of this show. I BLAME YOU!

It is a thing.

It's like a glue trap for eyeballs. I wasted a perfectly good Sunday marathoning this.

What is this.

But what about Benghazi?

My 12 year old son freaked out last night over the ending to frigging West Side Story! Crying! Freaked! Out! For someone like him to read a book like the Hot Zone??? Dear Lord.

Congrats to Congresswoman Donna Christensen, who won the Democratic Primary for Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands. She's expected to win the general election, making her the first black female Governor in the U.S. and its territories. (More about this former emergency room doctor slash hospital medical director here

I live in the US but I've seen a lot of articles about Ebola that may be contributing to the fearmongering of people worldwide—BBC News, The Guardian, The Mirror, etc. have a TON of Ebola coverage going on. I think much of the world has a big blind spot when it comes to issues in African nations, not just Americans,

The "secret" serum is monoclonal antibodies specific for the ebola virus. I can make monoclonal antibodies in my sleep...the difficult part is using the ebola virus to generate said antibodies from a mouse (aka Biosafety Level 4, of which there are 4 places in the US that have that level.) It's not as if the pharma

Trolling the trolls is the best kind of fun. Back when Nigerian scammers were a thing, I emailed each of them back with fake info about me and had them sending photos, passports, calling me up at numbers I said were mine but were really places like a random strip club or FBI headquarters. It was a lot of work but so

Does anyone else have a problem posting on Kinja? I don't have posting privileges but i can reply. HOWEVER, so many times i've tried but the site crashes. I also notice that on really long threads, like Saturday Night social, once it gets to a certain point it will NOT scroll any further — just crash. So many

Ugh....I am officially the last of my gang to be single. Why do they want such serious boyfriends at 23!? WHY?!! Now everything centred around them! Oh...we can't go out...Alex doesn't like that place. Oh we can't go there....Dave thinks they have crap beer. Oh I can't go out - I have to iron Owens shirts for the week

I had not heard of these and my first thought upon seeing the word 'wrap' was that these were weight loss sandwich wraps. Then I thought, well, are they even tasty? Probably not if they are for weight loss. Then I thought, well let me google to see what ingredients they use, I imagined kale, kale is still hot right