
Thank you so much! I did my usual self talk ("Hey, you're freaked out. That's cool. Everything is totally fine, and you are totally safe, and absolutely no one is coming to hurt you or take you somewhere, but it's absolutely fine to be scared right now,"), I wrote stuff, I tried following my breathing, and then

New Sheltie in the family. Don't ask how many dogs have, just done. Okay, 4. 3 Shetland Sheepish dogs, one bitch Dachshund.

I got laid off because of budget issues on Thursday. Today is my 29th birthday. This dog is exactly what I needed.

Right? Total noir! And I just sat here re-reading going "wait, what? The dead accountant in the bathroom ran away? Was there another accountant? She's checking her email with a dead body in the bathroom?" This was my favorite, I'm still laughing and casting the black and white movie in my mind.

All of this is classic, textbook narcissist behavior.

I think this one counts, even though I ended up being the Other Woman...

I can't help but say that everything in your story just screams to me that your ex is not normal. I read many of these tales of cheating today, but your story really struck me as being ultra-psychotic and sinister.

It all came out after my first husband died (suddenly, and in front of me). I had confronted him directly a number of times over the years and he denied, denied, denied. And I was mostly in denial, too, though once I threatened to leave and he went to my mother to try to prevent it - how fucked up is that? After he

Ok. Here is mine. My husband as some of yall may know was a controlling abusive asshole. We always had problems but I stayed so I didnt look like a failure. I work in an industry where I am priviledged to know lots of police officers and tow truck drivers. I always had suspicions that he was cheating on me but could

For reasons I still can't explain, my roommate and I both decided that we HAD to have a late-night Sonic cherry limeade. Driving back home, we passed the fire station where my boyfriend of two years worked — and a figure that looked suspiciously like his was talking with a girl in the station parking lot. My friend

Never date a man named Scott.

BRILLIANT TYPO! I was reading it going "oh my god...oh my god...why is everyone being so casual..."

My husband and I decided he would "geo-bach"(basically he moved for work and I stayed home with our young daughter) because his deployment schedule was going to be bananas for a year or so. That year turned into three, and while it wasn't ideal, he came out to visit every few months and I thought we were okay. We

Hate typing from my tablet. she happened to be deaf, not dead. Also, it was Shady Client who sold to Unwanted Buyer a day after closing the sale with my dad. I realize I wasn't totally clear.

When I was in college, my dad owned a small business. He wanted to sell, but the interested buyer was super shady a my dad refused, for a number of years. Then one of his clients made an offer, and he accepted. Then sold to shady dude the day after he bought it. It was pretty much a really shady deal, so my parents

He and I had already been having problems related to his way-too-close "just-friendship" with a girl who happened to have beautiful, long, curly, red hair. He and I took a break over it, but a month or so later he begged for me to come back, claimed nothing had happened with him and red-hair, that it was all just a

I was engaged and living with a man I had been with for 6 years. He had broken up with me the year before and we called off the wedding, but after two months got back together. He broke up with me again, because I wasn't being "wife-like" enough for him, and I once again packed a bag and headed to stay with my

Aw, I'm going to tell my story but it's saaaaaaad.

Sitting in a Mellow Mushroom with my then-boyfriend, a woman comes up and says "Hi, [Boyfriend], you're back!" (which was confusing to me because he hadn't been anywhere) really cheerfully and then notices me and goes from happy to rage-eyes in one second flat, says "Is this your *girlfriend*?" and before he can
