
Forget justices, she's one of my favorite people of all time! She inspires me when I want to quit the law when I get really jaded. She has never stopped fighting and we shouldn't either.

I love imagining her picking out her collars based on how pissed she is at a decision. "Oh, I am going full-on starched cotton on this bitch!"

The women of the Supreme Court are really holding it down for Progressive Constitutional interpretation. More power to them. I met Sotomayor the other day; she is also awesome and brilliant.

She never consented. The situation you described is still rape. Also, "we" are not labeling it as rape; the girl said it was rape, the referenced article said it was rape, and then this Jez article said it was rape. My instinct is not to immediately doubt someone who says she's raped.

The fact that she ran away from him as soon as possible and went to the police to say she'd been raped kinda makes it seem like rape to me...

Not wanting to be having sex in public, and not wanting to be photographed having sex, but having sex in public with people standing around watching and taking pictures, sure sounds non-consensual to me, but way to blame a teenage rape victim for her own rape.

even if the facts are as you described them, this is rape.

"regrettably public." Yes, if only he had the presence of mind to rape her in private, then he could have finished, and nobody would have believed her, just like all the rest of us who have been raped, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Fuck this fucking guy and his fucking lawyer.

god, i say this, with the 'yaaaay.' all the time and no one EVER GETS IT.

My secret dream is to turn Jezebel into a vehicle for trying terrifying old Southern recipes. Let's see if I can produce my grandmother's caramel cake, as opposed to a giant pile of calories that was supposed to be my grandmother's caramel cake!

I refurbish furniture and I would love to write tips on how to take old thrift store items and give them new life. That would be fun.

Can we offer ideas?

I second the love for Pissing Contest. Highlight of my week! (Besides Midweek Madness)

I really like Jezebel as is currently, though I feel like some of the content is needlessly click baity. I'd really love to see a side room (ala powder room, kitchenette or roy g biv) that was dedicated to crafting and diy. Not just twee perfect pinterest- though I'm down with that, but like hard core make something

Well, you know what they say about stopped clocks.