
Whatever i'm still waiting for the long curly black hair growing out of your chin that you don't notice for 6 months to come into style.

I guess they issued a twatwa.

I shall accept it.

I have been on one SSRI or another for around a decade. At one point I went off them to see if my issues were resolved, but that didn't work. The fact is, my brain chemistry is wacky. Highs and lows aside, I'm confident that I'm most likely going to be on one medication or another for life. Diabetics have insulin

She also is a cancer survivor, having been diagnosed at 2 months old with liver cancer. She's had a lot of scrapes. I also once found her floating in the bathtub, asleep.

Can I take credit for my sister's time she got really, really lucky? I'm 9 years older than my sister, the baby of the family. One day when I was 11 or 12 (and she was 2 or 3), I walked into our family room to watch Nickelodeon or something. I could hear "Barney" playing on the TV and was not feeling that shit. I walk

Wait wait wait wait wait.

I hope that when I experience my first mental breakdown that I stick to making origami swans or something.

Hey guys! Does anyone have any advice for motivating yourself to do household chores and for doing them efficiently? I am *not* a naturally tidy person, like at all. My apartment is never dirty (don't leave old food out and whatnot) but it is aalllwayyysss messy (clothes everywhere, recycling piling up, stuff like

I just finished a huge rewatch of the series and man, do I love it. I started watching when it first aired, and I was a painfully awkward middle schooler and would cry in the library during free periods, and it's totally one of the reasons I made it through adolescence okay. My favorites: The Zeppo, Hush, The Body

Yes it is! Mine are probably Hush, Once More With Feeling, The Gift and Fool for Love. I have too many favourites, though! I also love Chosen - what a perfect ending for a show about female empowerment. Anyone who disagrees can just deal with it!

Prom (when I'm feeling down) and the one where she hears thoughts...ear shot?

And all Spike episodes...except THAT one.

Buffy is still the best, right? What's everyone's favorite episode?