
You know how you can't properly diagnose someone as a psychopath before their 18? And how rare a condition it is in females? So I can't say for sure that Sarah really was a psychopath, but I can confirm that she appeared to tick all the boxes.

This is what this dress looks like to me. I've been waiting for a picture of it in better light since the JLaw pictures, but seriously, she looks like a deconstructed Dalek.

Turns out no amount of touch-ups can fix his face. He still looks like a penis with teeth.

I'm pretty sure I've told this story on Jez before but it bears repeating. This woman was certainly not the worst flatmate I've ever had (actually she was a sweetheart) but she was by far the most unusual. She didn't speak a lot of English, so the week I went home to visit my mum I took great pains to explain to her

Good thing that they thinned out her wrists.

Too bad for Terry that photoshop doesn't have a "remove rape" tool.

No, I win. Nope. Nope nope. I win. Okay. Here goes. It's long but (I think) it's worth it.

I lived in a semi-boarding house situation after moving to a new city for a semester program. The old man who owned the house was really nice and was around frequently. His son kept the house in good shape, but his daughter lived on the first floor in an only semi-separate apartment. It was the cheapest thing I could

Oh hell yes I have a bad roommate story.

Yes! Vodka loved me!

I'm sure alcohol thought you were a great roommate!

Oh please. I was everyone's 'worst roommate ever.'

L'Oreal giveth, and L'Oreal taketh away. So it is, and so shall it ever be.

"Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport, the frogs do not die in sport, but in earnest." Bion - From PLUTARCH, Water and Land Animals

L'Oreal stopped testing on animals? I DID NOT KNOW THIS!!!

Shit. I inadvertently broke the bro code by finding 42 year old women fuckable before Tom Junod said I could. Will I be punished? Will there be additional punishment for finding women older than 42 fuckable? Shit! I need to go into hiding...

2/10, would not bang

Oh, thank goodness. I am 40, and I had my decrepit finger hovering over the "Complete My Order" button on a vial of virgin blood. Now I can go back to crying in front of a magnifying mirror.


Irrelevant. He's a man, which endows him with the magical ability to determine a woman's worth as a human by the rigidity of his dong when looking at her. We women lack this superpower, and are thus incapable of making any similar judgement about our counterparts' fuckability.