
I thought we'd settled on hobby lobby?

NBD... dead is the new 40 anyway.

I can't unsee that, you know.

My father had read that the Cats was closing on Broadway, so naturally he decided to make a family outing out of it. He purchased tickets for a matinee for the whole family and they were going to drive up from Philly and I, who was living in NYC at the time, was told to meet them at Sardis for lunch beforehand. I woke

I'd also like to use the comment section of my blog post here to officially announce that I am going to be doing a hip-hop revival of my version of "Memory" that I like to perform after my fifth or six Bananarita. I'm so excited about this new vision, you guys!

I don't know what it is about 7th grade. I didn't believe my parents or their friends, but 7th grade was the fucking WORST.

Oh fuck ya. I lack the required biology to become pregnant but if a future daughter asked me for abortion money, I'd drive her to the clinic myself to protect her against the abortion protestors.

Ditto. It's so good, you should listen to the podcast! That haunted Mexican mansion totally had me spooked. They were such good ghost stories!!

Good Lord, that's the poetic equivalent of the song "Joe Lies" from Say Anything. Here's my impression of me reading that bit about Jesus:

I'd be really tempted next time she complains about being broke to snark, "Why did you decide to go to grad school, then?" I mean, she knew how much tuition was... but I'm bitchy. That won't go over well ;)

I'm driving from Nashville to Santa Fe with my kitty tomorrow! Wish us luck!

"I appreciate the offer, but feel the goal of such an encounter would be more about making you feel at ease than me. As such, I decline."

Went bra-shopping with my girlfriends, we ended up doing something like this:

hey there :) just wanted to clarify the religious stuff with AA for you as I've been told...it's not about religion as it's known by most people. It's about connecting to a power greater than yourself to help you maintain your sobriety....it can be anything YOU choose, not just the concept of God as defined in a

I've started thinking about my future career and I'm pretty sure that I'll be A-Okay with the idea of not actually having a "career." I really love the idea of buying a small plot of land (no more than an acre) off the beaten path but not too far from a major city and living in a Wheelhaus. Just me and the dog and a

Can I just say, I got my wedding photos recently and am being a huge girl about it?

So now we're in the universe where women asking for the unhindered ability to take control of their family planning is oppressive because it's a responsibility we are throwing on them that should be left up to men?