
At this point, my reaction to Coulter is strictly pavlovian.

In her defense, freshmen are pretty terrible.

I was 13, and was dancing the role of “snowflake” in the Nutcracker ballet. Anyone who has participated in an amateur production of this ballet can tell you that dancing in the “snow scene” involves wearing a ridiculous fluffy white tutu and prancing around the stage while waving one’s arms and striking various

My parents used the money from my grandma's estate to take us on a trip to Europe. I turned 13 a week into the trip and the day after i turned 13 was the one and only night that we didn't have a hotel room booked. My parents just thought decent available hotel rooms would be easy to find in the greater Normandy area.

Oh man, my first period. Oh man. It was the glorious summer of 1997. I was 11 going on 12, had just "graduated" from 5th grade, & was looking forward to the exciting drama that middle school was sure to bring to my mundane life. I was also getting over the very recent death of my father. That summer my mother ships us

It was a month after I turned 10, in the 4th grade. A few months prior, I was in a serious car accident and was stuck in the hospital for over a month. When my mother told my doctor my age, he was surprised as I was physically much older than most 9 year olds. He mentioned perhaps it was "time for the talk" and so

I know we're playing the first period game here, but since I have a way more terrible period story, you can have that instead. My first period was boring, you don't want to hear about it anyway.

Woah, I read 'webring' as 'wedding' and was having strange ideas about your wedding.

I was an awkward, fat, lonely 12 year old girl who was obsessed with horror movies and masturbating, being raised by a single mother in a small town in the early 90's. Every Friday night my mom would take me to our nearest video store and I would gather 4 - 5 different rated-R VHS scary movies (I would specifically

I feel like this thread was invented for me, sigh.
I was raised in a family where we never talked about sex in any fashion, age appropriate language or not. The only exception I can think of is when I was 17 and my mother told me if I ever got pregnant I'd be out of the house, because she had already raised her own

Eleven years old. In a bus, on the way to a camp field trip. Reading an Abraham Lincoln biography (because that's how I roll). I feel nauseous and weird. When we arrive at our destination, I go to the bathroom only to discover blood everywhere. I'm still not sure who was more horrified, me or the counsellor who I

My dad had just left my mom for a new girlfriend, and I had to babysit the gf's kids at her apartment (next door to Dad's new bachelor pad) while they went on a date. Suddenly my butt felt funny and I went to the bathroom to discover that I was blessed with the gift of sticky red underpants. Crying quietly, I went

I was about 12 years old, went to the bathroom, and saw the stain in my panties. I'd read Judy Blume and knew exactly what had happened, but after searching in the bathroom, I could only find tampons. Not wanting to even go NEAR those things at that point in my life, I went out to the living room, where my mom was

We had just had the day in fifth grade where girls went in one room and learned about ~periods~ and boys went in the other to learn about ~boners~ and then we all came together to discover ~pubes~ so when I woke up on a Saturday with blood literally all over my bed and clothes, I told myself right away it wasn't that.

I was 11. It was a Saturday morning in mid-March. I had spent the night at a friend's house for her 12th birthday, and came home totally happy to be a pre-teen, just full of over-applied blue eye shadow ideals. When I got home, I found my twin sister was hanging out with a friend putting on make-up in the upstairs